“She’s here for me.” I look at my VP and watch confusion take over his panic.
“What? No!” He shakes his head as her car door slams and she steps in front of me.
“Jimmer Carson, I’m arresting you on suspicion of intent to supply illegal drugs. You have the right to remain silent?—”
“Not like this.” I shake my head at her and glance toward Dylan. All the fun has dropped off his face. I’m grateful when Shaniya and Lydia start rounding up the kids to take them inside. Consuela closes her eyes and lowers her voice to a whisper.
“Anything you do say can and will be used against you in a court of law.” She continues as one of her officers steps toward me and takes out his cuffs. Jessie reacts by dropping him with his forehead and sending him to the ground.
“Get your fuckin’ hands off my president!” he yells, heaving his breath through his nostrils and tensing his fists ready to fight.
“You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford one…” Consuela takes out her own cuffs and turns me around before she snaps my hands together behind my back. “One will be appointed for you,” she whispers sadly.
“You ain’t takin’ him nowhere,” Jessie argues with her.
“Please, Mr. Donavon, I already have a reason to arrest you, don’t give me another one.” She looks at the officer who scrambles back onto his feet. “Take this as a warning.”
“Arrest me.” Jessie holds his wrists together for her. “Lock me up, because that’s the only way you're gonna stop me. I ain’t lettin’ ya take him. We fuckin’ trusted you!” He points his finger at her face and spits out his words viciously.
Consuela looks at me and shrugs sadly.
“Stand down, Jess,” I tell him, lowering my head and hating the look he shoots back at me.
“What do you mean stand fuckin’ down? This bitch hasn’t got shit on you. You think I’m gonna let them take you in without me? Hell, no!”
“I said stand down,” I make my voice much sterner and when I glance around at my other brothers and their old ladies I see ‘em all looking stunned.
“Let’s go.” I nod my head to Consuela and let her start leading me to the car.
“Dad!” Ella calls out from behind me, and when I turn around she’s right there, tugging at my cut and looking terrified. “What are you doing?” she asks, shaking her head as Nyx comes up behind her.
“It’s gonna be okay,” I assure her, braving a smile and wishing I’d have had just a little more time.
“No, how is it gonna be okay?” She looks devastated and when I look to Nyx, he nods his head, taking her shoulders in his hands and gently pulling her away without me having to tell him what to do.
“Come on, darlin’,” he tells her softly.
“No!” She shoves him off her. “Dad, what are you doing?” she screams. “Nyx, don’t let them take him,” she begs and with a helpless look on his face, Nyx holds her tight in his arms, comforting her despite the fight she’s putting up.
“Why is he letting them take him?” She cries as he strokes his hand through her hair and forces her to stop struggling.
“I’m making everythin’ right.” I smile sadly at her, and everyone else, before Consuela puts me in the back of a patroller and slams the door.
“You're gonna regret this,” I hear Jessie warn her as she gets into her own car and slams the door.
“Prez!” Jessie looks fueled with fire as he bangs on my window
“What are you talkin’ about, makin’ it right? What the fuck did you do?” he screams at me.
“You got this, Jess.” I nod at him through the glass, leaving him with fear on his face as the car pulls away.
* * *
“So, where ya takin’ me?” I ask the officer who’s driving when we get on the freeway.
“Sorry, Consuela said only she’s to speak to you.” He keeps his eyes on the road and I can see from the way his hand shakes on the wheel that he’s nervous.
“I thought we’d be headin’ toward Denver or El Paso.” I can sense something ain’t right from the way his eyes keep flicking up at the rear-view mirror. From what I can make out, Consuela is following close behind, and all I can do is hope that all this faith I’m putting into her ain’t gonna be another one of my regrets.