Page 71 of The Wages of Sin

“I answered,” she objected, shaking her head.

“You lied,” I shot back, refusing to let her off the hook. “You can’t demand the truth while hiding your own secrets, Kiera.”

Shame flashed in her eyes, intense enough that when she finally opened her mouth, I expected either another denial or lie—anything but the visceral gut punch her words delivered.

“My secrets keep me safe,” she said. “I figured you, more than anyone, would understand that.”

In an instant, all the judgment I felt disappeared. I let go of my hold on the column to gently cup her cheek as I pressed my forehead against hers.

“You don’t need them anymore,” I told her. “I’m the one who keeps you safe now.”

To hammer home the point, I tilted her head back and kissed her…hard.

Even though it had only been hours since I’d felt her beneath me, the second I felt her soft lips opening and the flick of her tongue against mine, my blood surged. In that moment, I realized it didn’t matter how much time passed or how many times I’d lose myself inside her. I’d never get tired of her.


When Kiera finally pulled back from the kiss, her lips were flushed and her eyes glazed. Gone was the frantic, almost panicked energy from moments before, and in its place was another kind of fire altogether—one that was just as powerful, just as urgent.

“Dorian.” She practically purred my name.

“Yes, Kiera,” I answered.

“Your brothers told me something else, and I want to know if it’s true.”

“What’s that?”

“They said…” She hesitated as her gaze drifted to the side. Her shyness mixed with her innocence was a dead sexy combination. “They said you’ve fucked a lot of girls in this club.”

“It’s true,” I answered before cocking my head to the side. “Does that upset you?”

“Actually, I think it’s kind of…hot.” She still wouldn’t look at me as she shook her head, but she shivered as I traced the pad of my thumb over her cheek. “But this place is so crowded. Where did you do it?”

Her voice had dropped down, turning husky. That certainly wasn’t the sound of detached academic curiosity.

“There are lots of dark secret places in here,” I rasped against her ear, letting my breath wash over her sensitive skin. “You just need to know where to look.”

“Like where?”

“Shadowy corners, back hallways, an unlocked closet,” I rattled off a handful of the spots where I’d led the girls who’d come before her.

“What about behind a beam like this one?” She bit into her lip again. “Is it dark enough?”

Already rock hard, my cock pressed almost painfully against the fly of my pants at the suggestion.

“It is,” I answered. “But it would be risky this close to the dance floor. Someone might come into the alcove.”

“You could get caught,” she agreed.

“That’s always a risk,” I told her. “But it’s also part of the allure.”

“Everything I’ve ever done has been behind closed doors,” she confessed. “I’ve never fooled around in public. It sounds…dirty.”

“It is if you do it right.”

“Would…would you…” Her cheeks burned bright with a mixture of embarrassment and lust.

Even though I knew what she was dying to ask, I wasn’t about to let her off easy. I wanted to hear it from her lips. “Would I what, Kiera?”