Page 72 of The Wages of Sin

She closed her eyes. I could tell she only had the courage to either look me in the eye or ask me to fuck her brains out, but not both.

“Would you ever want to do something like that with me?” she asked.

“You mean like this?”

Hooking my arm around her waist, I slid her around the back of the column with me. The moment we were swallowed up by the shadows, I flattened my palm against the base of her spine and slid it up to the nape of her neck. Tangling my fingers in her hair, I pulled her in for a searing kiss that left her panting.

I didn’t give her any time to catch her breath before spinning her around in my arms, so she faced the column. Instinctively, her hands grasped the sides as I curled my fingers and raked them up her thighs.

The deafening beat of the music still pounding all around us, I had to lean in close to make sure she heard me. “Is this what you want?”

Her dark, loose hair, cascading down her back, bobbed as she nodded.

But that wasn’t enough. I wanted to hear her say it.

So I pressed my chest flat against her back, bringing myself close enough to graze my teeth against her ear lobe this time. “I said, is this what you wanted?”

I felt more than heard her gasp as I hiked up the hem of her dress, exposing her rounded ass. When she didn’t answer right away, I gave it a playful smack. She let out a startled cry, but the stream of electronic dance music pouring out of the speakers masked the sound.

When she finally answered me, her voice was just as shaky as the rest of her.


“You want me to scratch that itch deep inside you?” I continued. “The one you can’t control when you’re with me?”

She nodded again. “Yes.”

“You want to give into the animal side of yourself? That part of you that doesn’t care where we are or if we get caught? The part that demands satisfaction?”


“Why?” I gripped her hair as I pressed myself more fully against her. “What made you beg me for this and not someone else?”

The answer didn’t come quick this time. Instead, I felt her panting breaths—in and out, in and out—as I clung to her tight. But I stayed patient, confident I could wait her out.

“You know why,” she reluctantly answered a second later.

“Tell me anyway,” I growled. “Tell me why you’re hiding out in the shadowy corners of a nightclub with a dangerous criminal, begging me to fuck you senseless.”


That was the last hesitation I could stand.

I spun her around in my arms, forcing her to meet my gaze. Then, looking her dead in the eye, I lifted her up, wrapping her legs around my waist and resting her back against the beam.

“Tell me, Kiera,” I commanded before throwing open the button and zipper of my pants. “If you want this, you need to tell me now.”

My cock burst free, and I prayed she wouldn’t call my bluff. At this point, with the warm, wet heaven of her cunt so close, I wasn’t sure I would be able to pull away if she refused.

“Because you’re the only one that I trust,” she admitted. “You’re the only one that makes me feel this way.”

Close—but still not enough. There was only one thing I wanted to hear.

“Tell me that secret, Kiera,” I demanded. “Tell me the truth.”

Her body trembled, whether with nerves or anticipation, I wasn’t sure. All that mattered was that her gaze was open and honest when she opened her mouth again.

“I’m afraid I’m falling in love with you,” she said. “That’s the truth.”