I laughed, still out of breath, and yelped when a glowing wave briefly covered my face. “Painting me, fucking on the beach, sunrise sex. It sounds like we have a lot of things to do once we get home.”
Micah kissed me on the nose before rescuing me from the next surge. “You have no idea, princess.”
Isnuggled down into the plush couch and glanced out the windows. The sun was setting once more. It was sad, because we were going home tomorrow, but at the same time, I was glad to be going back.
My husbands needed to get back to deal with the fallout of the Extasis launch. On a call earlier today Raina said she had something for them, but because of the sensitivity, she was hesitant to share it without being in person.
I had a few events coming up I needed to prepare for, and I wanted to see the progress my hybrids had made. But just because I was happy to be going home didn’t mean the last few days hadn’t been pure bliss. They had.
There was the sex, and working the way through the toys like Cam had promised. But it wasn’t only that.
They took me all over the city. To more and different ruins—no sex this time. Restaurants where we were photographed, and a gorgeous symphony with the temple mountain lit up in the background.
Pictures of us were still everywhere.
That photographer that had been following me was annoyingly persistent as well. Wherever we went, he was there. He was obnoxious, but since he wasn’t doing anything illegal, we did our best to ignore him.
A picture even surfaced of Everett and I post ruins. The comments were still awful, though when I looked, I saw more good ones than had been there before.
Amazingly, I didn’t care. Focusing on them and no one else allowed me to breathe and let go of those fears.
Micah sketched on his tablet across from me, and Cameron had his arm slung around my shoulder as he read a book. Everett was on his laptop, probably answering emails. The silence was easy and comfortable.
And in that comfort, I wanted to get to know my husbands more. I knew them. The way they fucked and the way their moods changed. The different kinds of smiles. I now knew that Cameron was an endless abyss when it came to eating pasta and Everett, though you would never guess it, went wild for anything sweet. Bonus if there was any kind of ice cream involved.
I learned the way Micah saw colors before anything else, and his favorite shades were jewel tones.
But I wanted more than that. History and family. The kinds of things I would have learned if we had courted and dated and not gotten married because of a contract.
Well, it was still a contract, even if it didn’t feel like it anymore. I needed to remember that. Hard to do when it felt like they were everything I’d been missing. Still, I wasn’t going to focus on it. I was grabbing onto this temporary happiness with everything I had.
“I want to play a game,” I whispered.
Everett looked up from his screen. “What did you have in mind?”
“Twenty questions. Also known as a way I get to ask you whatever I want.”
Tossing his book to the side, Cameron chuckled. “I have a better idea. How about truth or dare? You still get to ask questions, but it’s more fun.”
“But you’ll all pick dare and not answer anything.” I pouted.
He nuzzled into my neck. “Maybe we make the rules that we pick truth and you pick dare.”
“Are you going to tell me that you won’t just dare me to do something sexual that will derail the game completely?”
Cameron’s grin turned hungry. “We’ll go first. So you’ll get at least three questions. But no, I don’t promise that.”