I rolled my eyes, but I was smiling. “Fine. You first.”
“What do you want to know?”
“Tell me how the three of you met?” Micah smothered a laugh, and Everett looked like he was holding one back. I looked at them. “What?”
“I think it’s actually better if Cameron doesn’t tell this story, little nymph.”
Cam scoffed and used the arm around my shoulders to pull me into his lap. I stiffened, the instinct of not wanting to be too heavy rising hard and fast. I usually sat next to them. Not on them. If I was on their lap I straddled or laid across it. Not placing all of my weight directly on their legs.
“Don’t be ridiculous,” he said. “I was doing a marketing presentation for a product we made for a marketing class. A waterproof phone case. So we had to test it. These two were interested in it after I finished the demonstration, and we just clicked.”
“Okay,” Micah said. “Now can I tell the real version?”
I tried to move, but Cameron held me fast as he sighed. “Fine.”
Micah looked at me and smirked. “He was doing a demonstration for his product. But what he’s leaving out is that it was at a frat party, he was nearly blackout drunk, and his idea of a demonstration was filming him jumping off the roof of the frat house into the pool with his phone in the case.”
My jaw dropped open, and I twisted so I could see his face. “Is that true?”
He shrugged, but there was a smile in his eyes. “They’re exaggerating.”
“Are we?” Everett turned his laptop around. A video was on the screen. Small, shaky, and grainy, but there was music and college kids drinking around a pool. And suddenly, there, on top of the two-story house, was a younger Cameron. Shirtless and in swim trunks. “HERE WE GO, BITCHES.”
I burst out laughing and clapped a hand over my mouth.
The Cameron on screen leapt, doing a somersault in the air before landing feet first in the water. There was a momentary silence from the crowd before he surfaced and crowed with victory. The crowd followed suit, and he climbed out of the pool with the biggest smile on his face.
He stumbled to whoever held the camera and held up his phone in the case. Showed it working. Clearly he was very drunk, swaying on his feet, but he pulled up what looked like a logo.
A thousand-watt smile straight at the camera. “Good as new, no matter what you do.”
The video ended, and I couldn’t stop staring. “Holy crap.”
“No matter what these dickheads say, that worked. We sold out of our entire stock when we put out the video.”
Everett laughed. “And Cameron DuPont, marketer extraordinaire, was born.”
“But that still doesn’t tell me how you met.”
I tried to move again, and Cameron slid his arm around my waist. “Stop trying to get off my lap, sweetheart.” My mouth opened, and he kept speaking. “And if the next words out of your mouth are about crushing me, I’m going to go get those leather cuffs we haven’t tried yet, put them on you, and the only getting off you’ll do will be as you sit on my face.”
Desire poured over me, and now I was squirming for a different reason. But I closed my mouth. That was exactly what I’d been about to say.
“We were at the party,” Micah said. “Saw the stunt, and when we ran into him later, congratulated him. We felt the pack bond click in. Thank fuck he remembered enough of the night to remember us.”
“You guys had already met and formed the pack?”
“In a manner of speaking,” Everett said. “Though I was a business major and not marketing, I had to take that same class and we created a product. We decided on a coloring book based on the college itself, and we needed an artist.” He shook his head. “I got voluntold I was going to be the one to find them. So I went to the art department and ran into Micah nearly tearing his hair out over a piece he was working on. But his style was exactly what we needed.”
I looked between them. “And that’s when you knew?”
“Yes and no.” Micah this time. “We felt the beginnings of bond, and were pretty sure it was one, but it didn’t fully snap into place until Cam.”
The thought of them in college made me smile. “Are there any other videos I should see?”
“No,” Cameron said at the same time as Everett said, “absolutely.”
Behind me, Cam grumbled something inaudible before he kissed my neck. “I think that’s more than enough for a dare.”