Page 4 of The Revenge Agenda

“Baby …”

“Nope. That name is off the table.”

He tries for a confident laugh that sounds weak. “You can’t possibly think that.”

“Well, I didn’t until a random man showed up at the door expecting sex.”

“You’re pinning this on me? What am I supposed to do? Control every man in the neighborhood?”

“Not sticking your dick in any of them would be a good start.”

Ian scoffs, throwing his hands up. “How much have you had to drink? You’re being unreasonable.”

“Excuse me,” Dad cuts in. “You have some explaining to do.”

“I’ve explained. I don’t know who that man is. Do you really think I’d mess around with someone like that when I have Hunter?” Ian’s words are coming faster. “Baby?—”


“I love you. Only you. You have to believe me.”

“I have to?”

“Oh, come on. We’ve been together for years. You moved here to be with me. We’re engaged.”

I look from Ian’s pleading expression to my parents and sister. Dad looks ready to murder him, Mom’s face is pinched like she might cry, and Audrey has gone back to her phone like my entire life isn’t falling apart.

I just … I don’t think I’m processing anything, mind flopping along like soggy toast.

I did move here. Three hours from where I grew up. I left my job, my friends, my family. For what? A man I thought was my future.

And where the rage and betrayal are struggling to come alive, embarrassment rears up instead. How the fuck was I so stupid?

“How could you do this to me?”

“I haven’t done anything. You’re not listening!”

“Somebody’s gaslighting,” Audrey sings.

“That’s not even a thing.”

“Don’t snap at my sister.”

“Then tell her to keep out of it.”

I snarl, struggling to keep everything pushed down. “Think of your answer carefully: have you cheated on me?”


“Right.” I take off out of the house. The cold air hits me smack in the face, but I push through and jog down the steps on the front porch. My heart is hammering, and I’m struggling to hold on to my sanity as I think I really might be sick. This is the absolute last thing I want to be doing, but not having answers will kill me. Eat at me. Maybe he’s telling the truth, and maybe he’s lying. I have to find out either way.

I look up and down the dark street for the guy, hoping he hasn’t gotten into his car and taken off. Loud cheers come from some Christmas party happening across the road, and it makes me want to throw something. I’d been so excited to live here. Like a real proper grown-up. Management job. Successful husband. Pretty street to raise a family.

And now all that’s slipping away from me because of some ho, ho, ho.

My sense of humor is the only thing stopping me from completely losing my shit.

Movement down the block catches my eye, and as soon as I peg the coat, relief and nausea fill me. I jog down the pavement toward him, and when I’m a few feet away, he glances up, and I swear he looks as sick as I feel.