Page 3 of The Revenge Agenda

Light floods out onto the porch as I open my coat and watch Ian’s eyes fly wide. His jaw actually drops, and oh yeah, I’m getting it good tonight.

“Sorry I’m late, baby,” I rasp in my sexiest voice. “But I brought you a gift.” I hold up the candy-striped dildo and hit the button to turn it on. “Which candy do you want to suck on first?”

But instead of his answer, a different voice cuts through the steady buzzing.

“What the fuck is going on?”

Chapter 1


It takes me an embarrassingly long time to figure out what the hell is going on. On the one hand, my immediate thought is that Ian got us a pretty guy to play with for Christmas, but on the other?—

“Hunter, who is that?” Mom hisses.

My entire family is here.

Pretty boy turns to take in the room, and his face goes from flirty to downright horrified. “I mixed up the days, didn’t I?”

And that’s when it hits me.

Really hits me.

“I … who are you?” Ian splutters. “Get away from my house, you creep.”

He slams the front door, turning back to the room, ugly Christmas sweater blinking Rudolph’s nose at us. “I’m so sorry. It used to be a safe street.”

He fixes us with his twenty-thousand-dollar smile, but the room doesn’t shift. The tension only creeps higher and higher, tightening around me. I don’t know if anyone else can feel it, but I’m choking on the dawning realization that man knew him. That man dressed up sexy and knew my guy. Knew where he lived, his name, called him baby.

I cross my arms over my chest, indignation boiling in my gut. “Who was that?”

Ian blinks at me like he’s surprised I’m even asking. “I said I have no idea.”

“He knew who you were.”

“I’m in real estate. Everyone knows who I am.”

My jaw tics. “That’s how we’re playing it, huh?”

“Playing it?”

“Just gonna pretend you don’t know the half-naked man who showed up asking you to suck on his lollipop?”

“Actually, it was a candy cane,” my sister, Audrey, says, sounding bored.

Ian waves her off. “If I had a dollar for every overeager, thirsty twink who showed his face around here, I’d be richer than I already am. I’m sorry you had to find out the hard way, but now you’ve moved here, I’ll bet he won’t be the only man overstepping boundaries.”

Not … the only one? My heart clenches. “So how many are there?”

For the first time, my voice inches higher. I might be able to control my emotions most of the time, might be good at smothering down my anger, but this? This is testing me.

“Wait …” Ian looks around like he’s trying to figure out if he’s in on some kind of joke. “You don’t actually think I knew that guy.”

“That’s exactly what I think, yeah.”

Audrey lets out an amused snort. I shoot her a look to cut it out.

Then I ask a question I almost can’t get out. “Are you cheating on me?”