The difference between the two is glaringly obvious.
Hunter brought me out for lunch to show that he noticed I was off. That he cared.
My thoughts are still a storm cloud, nails digging into my fisted palms, when we step out of the elevator and back onto our floor, only to find Ted waiting for us.
“I’m sorry, I don’t have a coffee for you today,” I say, going to step around him. Ted smoothly moves to block our path.
“As much as I’d love a coffee, I was hoping to catch you two for a minute, if I could?”
“Of course,” Hunter answers for us. “Everything okay?”
I glance up at him because why wouldn’t it be? But his question and the slight hesitance in his tone … does he think everything is not okay?
Is this a situation where I should be worried but don’t realize I should be?
“What’s going on?” I ask, head swiveling from Hunter to Ted and back again.
“I just want a chat,” Ted says.
I relax a little. We chat all the time.
Only when I fall into step beside Hunter, his usual easy conversation doesn’t come. Neither do his smiles.
As soon as we step into Ted’s office, I flop down into my usual chair and say, “I think Hunter’s worried, so you should probably reassure him.”
Ted’s expression lightens slightly, but there’s no reassurance as he sits.
I slowly straighten in the chair. “You said you wanted to chat.”
“I do.”
“Then why is there so much tension that even I can pick up on it?”
“This isn’t an easy conversation?—”
The blood drains from me. “Oh no. Am I fired? Is it because Hunter did all my work for me? Madden’s truck won’t make it across state lines …” Sweat is prickling under my arms as I consider how fast everything I love will unravel if I lose my job.
Ted holds up his hand. “You’re not fired.”
I relax for about a second before the implication hits me. “Hunter is? No way, man. He’s the best boss we’ve ever had. If you fire him, I swear on my late-night infomercials that I’ll never bring you another coffee again.”
He almost rolls his eyes, but apparently, he’s too professional to actually follow through. “Can I talk?”
“I don’t think I’m going to like what comes out of your mouth.”
Ted turns to Hunter as he pulls something out of his desk drawer. “I found this in your office.”
The silk material is familiar. Too familiar. I recognize that tie because I made it. For me.
And left it in Hunter’s office the night we fucked there.
I jump to my feet. “I object!”
Ted cocks an eyebrow. “Object to what?”
“You have no proof that’s mine.”
“Rush …” Hunter groans, and I swear Ted almost smiles.