That little seed of worry that he’s using me threatens to take hold again. “I’ve gotta spread my loving around. There’s a reason you’re begging for more. I’m addictive. I get it. But I’ve granted you a repeat in a year, and …” I lean in. “After twelve months of replaying our night together over and over, you’re going to be desperate for me by then.” I straighten and give him a two-finger mock salute. “Laters, Joey.”
I should have known it wouldn’t be that easy.
“I wasn’t the only one purring that night.” Joey blows me a kiss. “Wait the twelve months … if you can.”
Then he spins on his heel and walks back toward the bar, giving me an entirely inappropriate and irresistible view of his denim-covered ass.
As much as I hate to admit it, I might have a harder time resisting him than I thought. It was easy, at first, to ignore the way he brings me alive with want, because so far as I knew, he was straight. Straight guys are easy to disregard, no matter how good-looking they are.
Now that I know he’s available and interested in more, he’s putting me in a bad position. The kind of position where I need to be a big boy and show some fucking maturity for once in my life instead of letting my dick take the wheel.
The problem is that the rest of me never learned how to drive. I have a head brain and a heart brain and a dick brain, and only one of those can be powered on at once. There’s no room for emotion when you can be getting laid, and there’s no room for horny-fun-times when my business hat comes on, but …
Someone’s clearly messing with my wires because Joey’s short-circuiting all three.
As much as I dick around and have fun, I’m a practical guy. An itch needs to be scratched, you get a stick. A problem pops up, you find the solution. It’s part of what prompted Nevele Ounces in the first place.
Someone needed help, I had the means to help. Whether it’s money or grunt work or through my extensive business contacts, there’s no problem too big.
Joey needs some financial breathing room? It’s his.
Griff needs repairs done? They happen.
Payne’s dick of an ex won’t sign the divorce papers? I have a lawyer friend pay him a visit.
Nothing is too big or too much. Nothing requires angst and confusion and whining about boy troubles.
Nothing except Joey, apparently.
Because like he’s a worked-up rattlesnake, I know I shouldn’t touch.
And damn do I want to go back there again anyway.
I step out of the convenience store, shoulders strained after all the heavy lifting from this morning, and stretch my arms over my head. The tight pull, the slightly painful relief, I lean into it and then let out a long breath as I drop my arms again.
This last week has been mind-blowing. Working and knowing that whatever I earn, I bank. Instead of using the opportunity to take a breather, I’m throwing myself into things harder than ever.
Work, study, supporting my sisters. I feel like I’ve jumped on a treadmill with renewed energy, using the next year to sprint for my life.
This could be the only chance I have to actively try and get ahead, and you can bet your ass I’m going to take it.
I swing around at Art’s voice, and my face immediately breaks into a grin. “Boss man. You’re out early.”
He gestures toward the two kids beside him. “School drop-off. What are you doing here?”
“Just finished work.”
Surprise takes over his face. “You’re still working here?”
“Sure am.” I eye him. “Why?”
“The gossips at work say you came into some money recently.” I swear his teeth are grinding. “So shouldn’t you be taking it easy? No more falling asleep on the job?”