“Actually, I feel better than ever.” I’d throw out the point that the only sleeping I’ll be doing at work will be the type encouraged by him, but even I know to keep it clean with kids around.
Art glances down at the girl beside him. “Take your brother inside and pick a treat. I’ll be right behind you.”
“A su-sugar one?” the boy asks. Both of them have wild, dark hair and piercing eyes that are exactly like Art’s.
“Why not?” Art gives a resigned sigh, but there’s a spark of something fond in the way he watches both kids run inside.
The fondness disappears when his gaze snaps back to me. “Why aren’t you taking this opportunity for what it is?”
Definitely not what I was expecting him to come out with. When he sent the kids inside, I’d been hoping there’d be more flirting coming my way, but instead, Art looks annoyed.
I frown. “I am taking it. What else do you think I’m doing here?”
“Working yourself into the ground. Again.”
“Rich coming from a man who doesn’t leave work.”
“I know my limits.”
“And I know mine.”
Art runs a hand over his face. “I really don’t think you do.”
His whole attitude is pissing me off, so I step closer, wanting to railroad whatever this is. “And that’s the problem with you. You think you know what everyone else wants. But I do know my limits. At work … and in the bedroom.”
“Don’t go there.”
“Why not?” I pout. “I thought it was important information to know.”
“The only importan—”
“Tio Artur?” His niece pokes her head out of the shop. “You’re taking forever.”
Art nods to her and throws a look my way. “I have to go.”
He walks into the shop, and I know this is where I should scramble, but … I don’t wanna. I don’t work today or have to go in for classes, so other than some research, I’m in the clear this morning. And this morning, I want to spend time with my boss.
And let him yell at me for overworking myself, apparently.
Who knew care could be so hot?
I lean back against the wall, hands in my pockets, and wait. It only takes a few minutes for them to step back out of the store, Art’s nephew over his shoulder and his niece laughing beside him.
“The sugar monster will eat you whooole …” Art’s words trail off when he spots me. “Still here?”
“It just so happens I’m heading in the same direction as the school.”
“Isn’t that your car over there?” He points at my shit box.
“Nope. Never seen it before.”
And like a petulant child, Art rolls his eyes. I love that I can bring so much annoyance out in him.
I hold out my hand to his niece. “We started out on the wrong foot. I’m Joey. Your uncle’s friend.”
Her gaze cuts to Art, and she holds up a hand to cover her mouth, but I catch the question loud and clear. “Is he a stranger?”
“No, he’s safe.” Then he tacks on, “For you.”