Page 102 of Employing Patience

Art: Doesn’t he?

Orson: Ummm are we just glossing over the fact JOEY IS COOKING WITH HIS NIBLINGS?!

Payne: I was, yeah.

Orson: Offense! All of the offense! Where was our invite?

Art: Tbf I didn’t invite him, either. My sister was playing matchmaker.

Payne: Clearly worked.

Art: Well, you can see him. How do I say no to all that?

Griff: Hubba hubba.

Art: I will end you.

Payne: Now you know how I feel.

Orson: Okay, offense aside … are you guys, like, in a relationship?

Art: Better sit down for this one.

Griff: Already on the toilet.

Payne: Fuck me.

Art: We’re going on … a date.

Orson: Gaasssssspppppp!

Griff: Shit.

Payne: Fuck me two times.

Art: Too late for that, Payne-y boy. I could be officially off the market.

Orson: Wow, I’m so happy for you.

Griff: Your manwhore days are over.

Payne: I can hear the men of Kilborough sobbing from here.

Art: Yeah, well, I dunno how he’s taking it all yet. So we’ll see.

Orson: Uncertainty looks good on you.

Art: Fuck uncertainty, I’m pulling out the big guns.

Payne: Wow. Do you mean …

Griff: Are you …

Orson: He’s going to see it?

Art: Yup. And I’ll tell you a secret, guys. I’m nervous as fuck.