Page 101 of Employing Patience

“I think I’m having memory loss. You might need to remind me. Tonight.”

I latch onto the opening like a starved man. “Dinner.”


“I’ll, uh, pick you up. Take you out to dinner.”

A disbelieving smile curls his lips. “Like a date?”

“I guess you can call it that. If you want to.”

“Oh, I want to.”

“Well, good. You do that.”

“Fully intend to.” He glances at my niblings over his shoulder. “Tio Artur is finally taking me out on a date.”

That sets them off. Everything from ooohs to asking if we’re going to kiss to calling us boyfriends. I shake my head, happy swelling in my chest ever present, and pin him with a look.

“Well, you’ve done it now.”

“Just saying, I expect you to pull out all the stops tonight, princess. Really romance me. Make me feel special and want to stick around.”

“Who says I want you to stick around?”

Joey creeps into my personal space, only stopping when his chest brushes mine, and the Prince Charming costume is really, really doing it for me.

“It doesn’t need to be said when it’s obvious. And you might as well have a neon sign.”


“Saying that you want me. As more than a hookup or a booty call. You just—”

“Want you.”


I nod. “And you want me.”

Joey’s expression softens, and he whispers, “It’s not a game anymore.”


Art sends a photo.

Payne: Nooooo!

Griff: Is that?

Orson: I never thought I’d see the day Art de Almeida was … adorable?

Payne: Or in a dress.

Art: I can pull it off, right?

Payne: As long as you think so.

Griff: Joey looks hot as fuck, though.