“I don’t know.” He pulled one of the loungers up next to mine so we could lie together. “Later on tonight, I think. They won’t be rushing back. Do you want a drink before we snuggle up?” He had been so attentive all day. Whether it was to make me feel better for the meal yesterday, I wasn’t sure. Or was this just who he always was? Every night before bed, he always asked me if I wanted a drink, or anything to eat. The other week, just as we had been falling asleep, I realised I had left my phone in the living room. I use my phone for my morning alarm, so shoved the duvet off myself ready to go and get it, but Zack went instead, instructing me to stay comfortable. That’s just who he was.
“I’m all right, thanks. I’ve got a bottle of water somewhere.” I pulled my sunglasses down over my eyes. I was finally feeling like I was on holiday. Our skin was still wet from the pool, so the breeze felt nice on my skin. “This is so comfy. Can we stay here forever?”
“You won’t get any argument from me. This is heaven.”
A gentle breeze blew over us. A cicada called out from somewhere in the grass. Zack’s breathing got heavier next to me as he began to fall asleep. Otherwise, the silence filled my ears, and I was soon joining Zack in the land of nod.
I was lost in the villa. Each door led me back to the entrance. How do I get out? I could hear laughter through the door to my right. I pushed it open, expecting to be in the dining room, but I found I was back in the entrance. I ran up the flight of stairs and through our bedroom door, but I was back in the entrance again. Help!
“Zack!” I called out. “Where are you? Help!”
“I’m through here!” He laughed, as he shouted from the next room.
I ran forward, pushing the door open, expecting to be back where I started, but I could see the back of the sofa. Finally, I was no longer trapped in a labyrinth. Zack’s head was visible, so I walked around to join him, but he was sitting with Chloe. No, he was lain on top of her on the sofa. They were cuddling, kissing…
“What’s going on?” I shouted. “What are you doing?”
I woke myself up by calling out in my sleep. Zack sat up and shuffled closer to me.
“Are you all right? You jumped pretty hard there. Bad dream?”
“Something like that.” My mind shot back to visions of Chloe and Zack kissing in my dream. As I woke up fully, I released my clenched jaw and breathed out. My towel had slipped down, exposing rather too much of my cleavage. I was brave enough to wear a bikini today knowing we would be all alone, but I had started to feel very insecure since my dream. “What time is it?” I removed my sunglasses, feeling where they had dug into the side of my head and left an imprint.
“Woah, almost four. We’ve slept for a while.” He yawned as he sat up and stretched. “Oh, hello! When did you get here?”
I looked up to see who he was talking to nearby, hoping his parents hadn’t witnessed my boob slippage.
“I’ve been here ages. You two were well out of it!” Chloe was on the sun lounger opposite us, lying on her front next to a discarded bikini top, evidently topless. “You were making some funny noises, Jenny.” She giggled.
“I thought you were out all day?” Zack rubbed his eyes.
“Nah, I couldn’t be bothered spending the whole day with them two. I slept in late and was going to come out here, but saw you two were busy enjoying yourselves earlier.” She winked. I was mortified. “So, I hid inside until you fell asleep and then I came out. Actually,” she sat up, pulling her top across her front, “Zack, could you top up the suncream on my back for me? I don’t think I got it everywhere, and I’d hate to burn.”
“Of course.” I watched as he sat behind her, rubbing factor ten into her neck and shoulders. I mean, come on. Factor ten? Why bother? You may as well rub milk into your skin. Why was she doing this? What about girl code? I think the most touchy-feely I ever got with Max The Wanker was when he accidentally stood on Bing’s tail, after which his leg looked like it’d had an encounter with Freddy Krueger, so I helped to clean him up with antiseptic wipes.
I pulled my towel over myself and stood up.
Chloe glanced up, just for long enough to flutter her eyelashes and give me a half smile.
“Where are you going, babe?” Zack asked, continuing to rub the suncream onto her shoulders.
“Just nipping to the bathroom, won’t be a tick.”
As soon as I got inside, I ran up the stairs, holding back tears. In our room, I found my phone, which I’d left on charge. There was another photo from Sarah with a message. This time, Bing was in her kitchen, sprawled on his back in a seemingly mischievous mood.
Your cat somehow found my favourite red, lacy thong, mistaking it for cat food, and ate it… He’s okay. The thong, however, met a grim end. X
I laughed out loud, tears filling my eyes. My finger hovered over the ‘call’ button, but I hesitated. I didn’t want to break our silence with my tears over a silly bit of jealousy, although if someone was going to understand my concerns about a twenty-something girl, it would be Sarah. I peeked out of the window at Zack and Chloe. They were laughing together, their heads close. She playfully pushed him. In my mind I was ‘playfully’ pushing her too. Towards the deep end of the pool.
“And so, I told the shop assistant, if she did not know the origin of avocado, she did not deserve to have employment in a delicatessen.” Beverley finished her sixth glass of wine. “I mean, honestly. I told her manager she would be better suited to a budget store.”
“I’m sorry about my mum.” Chloe leaned closer to me, whispering, “Complete snob. She acts like a work coach for the elite, but has never worked a bloody day in her life.”
I had to laugh. We were halfway through the first week of our holiday and Miranda had asked us to join them all for a group meal with the neighbours. I had been feeling awkward around Zack, wondering whether I should bring up my concerns about Chloe, and their behaviour. It didn’t feel right. They had known each other for a long time. Longer than I had known him. I had always been on the side of men and women being friends, without it meaning anything. I had always managed it myself, and been fine with other partners’ female friendships, but this one was really bothering me.
If I were to bring it up, would it cause our first major argument? I didn’t want a fall-out with him as well as with my best friend. That was too much emotion to handle at once. I know Sarah was bitter at the time, going through that awful break-up herself, but maybe some part of her theory about twenty-somethings stuck with me, and that was why I was being so cautious. Did I have a reason to be threatened by Chloe?