“I’m wondering if we could get the pool to ourselves again tonight.”
“What did you have in mind, specifically?” I leaned in closer, not wanting the neighbouring tables to hear us.
“Well,” Zack closed his menu and put his hands on mine, bringing his face close to me, “I thought we could…”
“Oh my God, Zack! Aahhh!” The unmistakeable mating call of a twenty-something girl erupted from behind us, shocking one of the waiters, who almost stumbled over the edge of the pier and into the sea. He survived, but the bundle of clean tablecloths he was carrying did not.
We both looked up and saw Chloe bounding towards us, her abs on show for the whole of the island to see. Zack was barely able to stand up before she threw her arms around him, her long hair flinging over his shoulders as though claiming its territory. She was one of those girls who, like Sarah, could allow her hair to flow freely no matter how hot and sticky the weather was. I subconsciously made sure my ponytail was still in place, and that my top was pulled down over my stomach.
Zack pulled back from her grasp. “It’s great to see you. What are you doing here at this time? I didn’t think you kids liked to get up before noon.”
“Oh, my mum was driving me up the wall.” She pulled back the chair next to Zack, put her shopping bags under the table, and sat down. “She was going on and on about me going back to uni and finishing my law degree. I had to get out.” She turned to me and elbowed Zack in the side. “Are you going to introduce us then? Men!” She tutted and laughed. “They’re so rude, aren’t they? Do you know I saw the funniest TikTok today about a female Greek poet called Sappho who was married to a man called Kerkylas of Andros, which actually translates to Dick Allcocks from Man Island, isn’t that hilarious?” She shrieked again. “So fitting sometimes. Not that you’re a dick, Zack, you know I love you.” She stroked his arm. “So, introduce us!”
As Zack made an official introduction, I outstretched my hand, but she got up from her seat and smothered me with a hug. “It is so nice to meet you!” She returned to the seat next to Zack. “It’s so nice to finally have a girl here too. Not that Zack isn’t fun, with the amount of late-night pool parties we’ve had over the years.” She playfully elbowed him in the ribs. “Has he made you his signature piña colada yet? He makes such a good cocktail.” She rubbed his arm again. “We got so wasted last year, do you remember?”
“Vaguely.” He laughed, looking uncomfortable.
“My mum was so mad, as we’d used all the rum. Hilarious. It was worth the scolding.” It was difficult to keep up with her. I’d never heard anyone speak so fast and without stopping for breath before.
They seemed so comfortable in each other’s company, which was nice, but the idea of them getting drunk and having a pool party of their own made me lose my appetite, even if it was in the past. I had a niggling urge to call Sarah. I needed her to tell me it was all okay and there was no reason to worry.
“Have you ordered yet?” She picked up Zack’s menu. “I’m starving.”
“We were just looking over the menu. Have you decided yet?” He reached out for my hand, pulling me towards him, and out of my nightmare daze.
“Oh, sorry, no. Well, actually–”
“We should get a pizza,” Chloe cut in. “Get the massive one and share it. It’ll be enough for the three of us, it was too much for just us two last year, but I reckon we can manage.”
“Let’s do it, we’re on holiday.” Zack put his menu down and called the waiter over, ordering the large pepperoni pizza. At least he had picked my favourite topping.
An hour later, I should have been in total bliss. Perfect pizza, sexy boyfriend opposite me, the never-ending ocean to my right, but unfortunately there was something on our table demanding all of the attention. If I had a shot of ouzo for every time she rubbed his arm, I would have been mighty tipsy. Why couldn’t she just back off? I got that they’d known each other for a long time, but you don’t constantly touch someone’s boyfriend right in front of them. Was she jealous that he was with another woman?
“Well, I should go,” Chloe finally said, standing up. “Do you want any money for the pizza?” She put her hand on Zack’s shoulder and I fought every urge not to push her into the sea.
“Nah, don’t worry about it. You can get the next one.”
“Okay, laters!” She felt the need to bend down, arse so close to Zack’s face he could have kissed it, to pick up her bags from the floor and finally leave us alone. So much for a romantic lunch, all I could picture now were her perfect buttocks and thighs. She didn’t need to worry about chafing in this heat.
“Sorry about Chloe, she can be a bit much sometimes. Are you all right?” he asked. “You’ve been quite quiet.”
“Oh yeah, it’s pretty hot. I can get grumpy if I’m too hot, sorry.” It was broadly true, I did get grumpy when too hot, but it was a lie right now. This was supposed to be a relaxing holiday, a first holiday, with my boyfriend. How could I relax if Chloe was going to pop up unexpectedly at any moment?
“Well, let’s head back up to the villa. We can get a taxi and have a siesta in our air-conditioned bedroom once we’re back.” Now it was his turn to tease my leg with his foot. He rubbed my hand with his finger, up my arm to my face, pulling me close as he leaned over the table to kiss me. “I am sorry about Chloe though, she is used to being the centre of attention. She properly monopolised our lunch there.”
“Just a bit. Not to mention talking non-stop about you two having had mad summer pool parties.”
“Not like our pool party last night, please don’t think that. She’s not interested in me. We’ve been friends for a long time, ever since our parents bought those villas.”
The waiter came by with our bill and Zack pulled out some money.
“I don’t mind if you want to walk back up,” I lied. “Save money on a taxi.”
“In this heat at this time of day? Neither of us will survive. Come on,” he grabbed my hand, pulling me up with him, “our bath is big enough for the two of us. No one can interrupt us there, and your feet need a good rub.”
On the third day of our holiday, we had managed to get the villa all to ourselves. Alistair and Miranda had gone out to meet friends and wouldn’t be back until that night. Stan, Beverley and Chloe were also absent for the day, which meant the pool was ours for the taking. As the pool was private for just the two villas, and was away from public view, it meant no one could see us as we fooled around under the water. Pool sex was an odd but welcome experience. I couldn’t wait to tell Sarah about it. Well, if I would be telling her at all. She would love how we’d attempted it on a lilo though. I’m not sure why we thought that would work, however, that is how we ended up underwater.
“What time is everyone due back?” I asked, as I wrapped myself in a towel and positioned myself on a sun lounger under an umbrella. It was mid-afternoon and nearing thirty degrees. Definitely time for an afternoon nap in some shade.