He returns less than two minutes later. “Let’s go. You don’t want to be late.”
“Aren’t you going to put on a coat?”
“I’ll be fine.”
I roll my eyes as I grab his coat and shove it into his hands. He’ll give every woman at the doctor’s office hot flashes if he doesn’t cover up. Judging by the smirk on his face, he knows what I’m thinking.
We settle in the vehicle. It’s a huge Hummer. It should be obnoxious, but it’s not since Fender is six-foot-six and as wide as a football player. He needs his space.
Jett pairs his phone to the radio and switches on some music as we begin to drive.
“Who is this?” I ask after we’ve listened to two songs.
He shrugs. “I’m not sure. I’m always getting demo tapes to listen to.”
“They’re good. I wonder if they have a manager yet.”
He glances over at me. “You want to recruit them?”
I grimace. “I wish. Mike isn’t interested in the bands I want to recruit.”
“So, start your own management firm.”
I snort. “Yeah, sure. I’ll get right on that.”
“I’m serious. You have a ton of experience managing Cash & the Sinners. You can use me as a reference if you want. I’m sure the guys will agree.”
“I don’t manage Cash & the Sinners. I’m your PA.”
Now, it’s his turn to snort. “I’m a musician, but I’m not stupid. I know you do most of the work and Mike only shows up for photo ops. What’s holding you back?”
“I wouldn’t know where to begin. I’d have to start my own company. I have no idea about laws and financial requirements and … I don’t even know what I don’t know.”
“Leia could help you. She has an MBA and basically manages Brody’s business while he develops software.”
It’s a tempting idea. But it’s all too much. “Did you forget I’m having a baby?”
He shrugs. “If you want to quit working to stay home with the baby, I’m fine with it. But I can’t imagine you sitting at home for very long.”
I can’t deny it. “We’ll see what happens when the baby comes.”
He chuckles. “Learning how to say no already without actually using the word no. Your mom moves are coming along fine.”
Warmth spreads through me. I can’t wait to be a mom. I’ve always wanted a family. And this baby will want for nothing. He’ll be surrounded by so much love, he won’t notice he’s missing grandparents.
“This is a different band,” Jett says as he increases the volume. “What do you think of them?”
We listen to various bands as we drive to the next town for my doctor’s appointment. The conversation is relaxed but lively. This is what I’ve always wanted with Jett. Not the animosity he threw around before.
But since I now know his back story, I can understand why he was afraid to start a serious relationship. Lord knows this relationship is going to be full of bumps. But I’m resilient. I can handle it. Anything for Little Bean.
“Wait there,” Jett says after he parks in front of the doctor’s office.
I debate whether I should listen to him or not for a few seconds. On the one hand, I love the idea of a man opening my door for me. On the other hand, I’m afraid to get used to it.
Before I can make up my mind, Jett’s opening the door and offering me his hand. I take his hand and let him help me down from the vehicle.
“I don’t know how Leia gets in and out of this monstrosity. She’s even shorter than me.”