“Is he mine?”

I scratch the puppy under its chin. “He’s a she and yes, she’s yours. Or, rather, ours.”

“You weren’t kidding about being all in.”

“I want it all, Aurora. I was afraid to reach for it before. But I want it all. The kids, the puppy, the white picket fence.”

Her eyes twinkle. “You realize you’re not supposed to show your cards on the first date?”

“I don’t give a fuck. This may be our first date but we’ve been dancing around each other for a decade and you’re having my baby.”

“Our baby,” she corrects.

I place my hand over her stomach where our baby is growing. “Our baby.”

“This is the best Christmas ever.”

“This, my feisty girl, is merely the beginning.”

I plan to give Aurora everything she ever wanted. Everything she’s missed since she was fifteen. Everything I have to give. It’s all hers for the taking.

Chapter 25

All in – includes doctor appointments


My phone alarm beeps to remind me I need to get going. I finish the email I was writing as quick as I can before shutting down my laptop.

I stand and Bowie barks in her sleep. I cuddle the puppy to my chest as I search for Jett.


“What is it?” he asks as he saunters down the stairs in an old pair of jeans and a threadbare t-shirt. The jeans hug his thighs and the t-shirt strains against his chest. I know exactly how sexy those muscles are without any clothes on them. I itch to touch them again.

Whose idea was the no sex rule again? Oh, right. Mine.

I clear my throat. “I have an appointment. Can you watch Bowie?”

I try to hand him the pup but he holds up his hands. “What kind of appointment?”


“Hold on. You’re going to an appointment about the baby and you didn’t tell me?”

I shrug. “I didn’t realize you’d care.”

Or, more accurately, I was afraid he wouldn’t. My life is perfect at the moment. I don’t want to push it and find out it was all a dream.

He palms my neck and squeezes. “I said I was all in. All in means I’m going to every doctor appointment with you.”

Bowie licks my chin. She doesn’t enjoy being forgotten.

“What about this fur ball?” I ask. “She can’t come with us.”

“Give me five minutes. I’ll drop her off at Fender’s and grab his car keys while I’m at it.”

He’s gone before I can tell him I already ordered a cab. It’s probably better this way. He’ll complain I should have never ordered a cab in the first place. Jett can be a Mr. Bossy Pants when he wants to be.