"Speaking of feeling better, am I winning you that big one? Because I think that bottle toss might be my best shot at it. I can do any shooting game or the ladder one, but I don't see those."
"I don't need a big one," I said.
"I'll win you one."
"No, it's okay. I don't know how I would carry it back with me on the plane, and I'd feel bad leaving it here." I pulled some cotton candy off of the pink cloud and offered him some. "My hands are clean. I just washed them."
He didn't hesitate to eat the cotton candy. I felt his mouth barely touch my fingers, and I smiled like it was the guiltiest of pleasures. It was. John-Michael was unbelievably handsome, and I felt all warm in the pit of my stomach when his mouth touched me.
"One of the things on your list for today was to win a big one, are you sure you don't want me to do it?"
"I really don't need one," I said.
"I have two prizes already. And those other souvenirs. If I got anything else from here, it would be that." I nudged my chin, and he looked over there.
"I knew it. I knew you were checking out that tattoo shop. I wouldn't be mad."
I grinned. "I was talking about the place next to it. But I was just joking. I'm messing with you."
"The sandwich…" He looked confused for a second. "The jewelry store?"
"I'm just messing with you."
"Were you? Because I'll buy you anything you want from there? Is it open? Do you want jewelry? Let's go."
"No, no, no, I was just messing around."
He tugged on my arm. "Come on."
"No, J, I wasn't, I don't need that. I wasn't talking about random jewelry. I don't need to go shopping, really. I was messing with you." I smiled and leaned into his shoulder and he put his hand on my waist.
"A ring? Is that what you were messing with me about?"
"Yes, I was just saying… I wasn't looking at the tattoo shop." I laughed again.
"Seriously, Sadie. Would you wear a ring if I bought you one?"
"Yes. I m-mean, uh, an engagement ring?"
"Is there another kind?"
I shrugged. "Promise, I guess, or any ring. A ring can be a ring. I have rings that aren't engagement rings."
"I hope they're not," he said, making me smile again. "What if I did buy you a ring that was an engagement ring? Would you wear that?"
"I would if I was engaged to you." I could feel my cheeks burning.
He thought for a minute. "That's probably something you would want to think about and not do right now."
I tilted my head at him. "Are you telling me that, or asking?"
"I’m asking."
"Oh, no, then."
"No, what?"
"No, I don't need to think about it."