Page 64 of Something New

He stared. "So, if I bought a ring right now, you would wear it?"

"If you bought it and asked me to marry you, then, yes, I would wear it."

"Right now?"

I smiled and glanced that way. "I don't even think they're open. But yes. Theoretically, yes."

"But if we're not talking theoretically," he said, pulling me near to him. He hovered with his mouth only an inch from mine. We tasted like cotton candy, and I smiled as I leaned in and kissed him.

"I've never meant any of this theoretically. I don't know why I said that. If you ever decide to buy me a ring, a real ring, not a theoretical one, I would not hesitate to put it on my finger that instant. Whatever moment you buy it and give it to me, that's the moment I'll wear it."

"That would translate to our lives changing," he said. "We would be telling people about it when we get back."

"Ethan would need to know," I said.


"Would he want that?" I asked.

"Would he want you to be his mom?" John-Michael asked, making me experience a wave of anticipation as I waited for him to continue. "Yes. He would love that, actually. He mentioned it to me several times already. Sadie, what, are you okay? Don't… why are you crying?"

I could do nothing to stop the tears when he said that. I thought of that baby asking about me, and I just was so full of joy that I could not take it. I could not contain it.

"I'm sorry. (I wiped at the tears as they actively fell.) It's happiness. I'm happy. I'm going to be good to him, John-Michael. I promise I'm going to be good."

He hugged me and then he pulled back and kissed me. He kissed my cheeks where my tears had fallen and then he kissed my mouth. "You are good, Sadie."

"I know, but I just want you to know… that I'll be good… I'll be accountable. I love you both."

"I think it's safe to say we feel the same way."

"You love me?" I asked.

He made a little sound, deep and low in his chest. "So much."

My eyes were still wet, and I blinked, taking in the stinging physical sensation. "These are happy tears," I said, wiping at my cheek.

"Hey, excuse me!" John-Michael yelled, and I was close to him, so it startled me. I jumped. "Are you still open?" he called.

"We just closed!" It was a lady at the jewelry store, and she had come outside to take in a chalkboard wooden sign that was propped in front of the store.

John-Michael took my hand and started walking that way. "Do you want one?" he asked, quickly and quietly to me as we began to walk towards her.

"Yes," I assured him.

He held a finger out to the lady. "We would like to buy just one item from you. We won't take long at all."

She scanned our appearance as we approached. "Only if it's an engagement ring," she said to us with a smile.

"It is," he easily agreed.

She looked stunned. "It is? Really? I was going to let you shop either way."

"It is an engagement ring," he said.

She gave us a huge grin. "Oh, well, in that case, congratulations and come on in." She stepped back and held the door as we walked inside.

The jewelry store on the boardwalk happened to have the world's most perfect, round, solitaire engagement ring.

Fifteen minutes later, it was sized to fit and resting on my finger.

I went back to Raleigh with a ring on my hand and John-Michael Kennedy on my arm.

I had Ethan, too, and the three of us would definitely live happily ever after.

The End