Page 44 of Dirty Heirs

Ella looked down for a second, and if her cheeks weren’t already flushed, they would have been now. “Sonny…”

“Cormac, get your ass on the field,” a burly man said from behind him, a clipboard in hand. “No more fucking around.”

“My coach is a real hard ass.” He rolled his eyes and glanced over his shoulder. “Be there in a second, Coach.”

“Now,” his coach ordered, teeth gritted.

Undeterred, Sonny grabbed Ella’s face and kissed her lips. “That one is for good luck.” Then he turned his head, parting my lips with his tongue. “And that one is for the win.”

Chapter Twenty-One


We won the game.

With Ella and Aiden watching me from the sidelines, I was unstoppable. I was high on life and ready to handle anything it threw at me. Being with them made me feel alive.

Like I could do anything.

So when I found my father waiting for me outside the locker room, a grim expression plastered on his face, I knew he was here to ruin my night. He must have seen me kiss Aiden and Ella in front of the school.

Too fucking bad.

“Shane,” my dad said, his voice deep and smooth and terrifying when he said my real name, which he reserved for when he was angry. “We need to talk.”

Sonny was a nickname. I was Shane Cormac IV, and it was too confusing with another Shane living under the same roof. So, my uncle gave me the nickname Sonny Mac. Cormac is Irish for son of the charioteer. My family owned Mac Corp. Sonny Mac got shortened to Sonny over time, and the name stuck. Most people didn’t know my first name was Shane.

“Oh, shit,” Marcello muttered when he saw my dad. “You’re in trouble. I told you not to get involved with Ella Doyle.”

“I like her,” I admitted. “Nothing my dad has to say will stop me from fucking her and Aiden tonight.”

Marcello squeezed my shoulder. “Good luck. I’ll see you on the yacht.”

“Yeah.” I nodded. “If you get to the marina before me, you know what to do.”

Marcello answered with a grunt, and then he was gone, leaving me alone with my dad. He came to every game, regardless of his schedule. Last year, he flew back from Hong Kong to watch me play. He was an awesome dad, but me being me, I pushed him too far. I threw my sexuality in his face. Before he stopped my sleepovers, I had boys and girls sleeping over all the time.

“Hey, Dad.” I stood before him, arms crossed over my chest. “What’s up?”

“Great game, son.” He wrapped one arm around me, resting his hand on my shoulder. “You played well.”

“Thanks.” I forced a smile. “But that’s not why you’re here. Is it?”

He shook his head of blond hair, longer on the sides than mine but the same shade. We had the same jaw, nose, and blue eyes. If you wanted to know what I would look like at fifty, check him out. The girls at school loved him. My dad was a total DILF and didn’t look a day over forty.

“I saw you with the Doyle girl,” Dad said sternly. “What are you doing, Sonny?”

I rolled my broad shoulders. “Having fun. You know how I roll. What’s life without a little adventure?”

“That girl is trouble. Do you know what happened to her mother last year?” I nodded, and he continued, “You can’t hang out with her. Not at school. Not at football games. Whatever you started up with her is over.” His jaw clenched. “Do you understand me, Shane?”

“I hear you, Dad, but I’m not getting the message. We have a bad connection.”

I turned to walk away from him, knowing people would be waiting at the marina for me.

My dad grabbed my letterman jacket from behind and yanked me toward me. “I’m not fucking around, son. Getting into bed with the Doyles could cost you and our family everything. Mac Corp is on the verge of a merger with Titan Shipping. If the media found out you were fucking the daughter of an Irish Mob boss, it would be detrimental to us. Mac Corp is your future. Your legacy. One day you will take my place as CEO, and that can’t happen if you fuck this up for our family.”

I spun around to face him, furious but trying to conceal my rage. “I get it, Dad. I’ll stay away from Ella, okay?”