“Are we really sleeping on Sonny’s yacht?”
I bobbed my head to confirm.
“And in his bed?”
Another nod. “But only if you’re comfortable.”
“I’m excited.” She bit her bottom lip, and I wanted to take it into my mouth and suck. “I’ve never done anything like this before. Tonight, I want to experience as many first as possible.”
I bent down and kissed her hair. “Don’t let Sonny pressure you into doing anything. Promise me you’ll say no if you’re uncomfortable. Sonny is charming and good at getting people to do what he wants. I don’t want him influencing your decisions.”
“I’m completely sober and have already made up my mind.” She pressed a kiss to my lips. “I want you, Aiden. I want Sonny, too. And I know you both want me.”
“More than anything,” I confessed.
The announcer’s voice blasted through the speakers to begin the introductions. Ella cuddled beside me, her head on my chest and teeth chattering. It was too fucking cold to sit outside. But I was from the Midwest and no stranger to the chill in the air.
So I stripped off my leather jacket and draped it over her shoulders. “Put this on. I don’t want you catching a cold.”
“Did you know that’s a misnomer?” Ella slipped her arms into the jacket and pulled it closed. “You can’t catch a cold from the weather.”
“True.” I held her tighter when her limbs shook. “But viruses spread faster in colder temperatures. Don’t argue with me, woman. Just wear the damn jacket.”
Ella laughed. “Oh, I’m not giving it back.” She stuffed her face into the jacket and took a deep breath. “It smells like you. Mmm… I love your scent.” She sniffed. “Charcoal. Clean linen. And cloves. How come I never see you smoke?”
My eyebrows rose. “Because I don’t smoke. It’s a gross habit.”
“I always imagined you smoking clove cigarettes.”
I shook my head. “Nope. I never smoked a day in my life. My mother is a smoker. It repulses me.”
“Then why do you smell like cloves?”
“That would be my soap. It’s some expensive shit Carl got for me. Probably costs a fortune knowing my grandfather.”
She lifted her thigh on top of mine for warmth. “Huh. All this time, I thought you were a closet smoker. But the soap makes more sense.”
Wrapping my arms around Ella, I pulled her onto my lap, drinking in her shampoo. “You smell like tangerines.” I dragged my nose up and down her neck. “And oranges.” I stuck my tongue out and licked her skin. “I could eat you right now.”
I was instantly reminded we were at a football game surrounded by too many people when the players ran onto the field. They darted past us, Sonny and Marcello taking up the rear. The crowd went wild and rose from their seats. I followed their lead, bringing Ella with me, and pressed her back to my chest. Her thick ass felt good against my cock. And after her confession, I couldn’t wait for the game to end.
She wanted to lose her virginity.
To me… and Sonny.
With all the players on the field, I only saw one. Sonny’s eyes found mine, and he rushed toward us, his body looking toned as fuck in tight pants.
Damn, my man is hot.
He bent down in front of Ella. “You’re covering up my jersey with a jacket?” Sonny frowned, slipping his hand beneath the fabric. “I want to see my name on your back.”
Her lips curved up into a grin. “But it’s cold, and Aiden’s jacket smells good.”
He leaned forward and took a whiff, staring at me. “It does, doesn’t it?”
“Mmmhm,” she mumbled.
“I’ll tell you what, El.” He twirled a lock of her hair around his gloved finger. “You can wear my jersey when I bend you over my bed later.”