Aiden flashed a wicked smile at Sonny that was both sexy and terrifying. “How about we let Ella decide what she wants?”
I couldn’t believe they were having this conversation in a crowded hallway. Sonny flaunted his sexuality, waving it around like a flag. He wanted everyone to notice him. He enjoyed being admired and praised for being hot and talented.
And Aiden was like a hurricane.
He didn’t care who or what he destroyed to get what he wanted. Aiden could easily be the King of Astor Prep but didn’t care about social status. I admired him for sticking to his roots. The poor, disadvantaged kid was still ingrained in him. Unlike Sonny, who wanted admiration, Aiden wanted to get through life and have fun doing it.
“That’s my sister,” Aiden said, pointing at the prettiest girl I’d ever seen in person.
Blonde spiral curls spilled down Alex’s back and nearly reached her waist. The navy blue skirt rode up her thighs as she stood on her tippy toes to grab a messenger bag from the shelf. Her legs were long and tanned, a twig compared to Aiden. She needed more meat on her bones, but she was still gorgeous.
Alex was even hotter than Aiden, as if that was possible. The Wellington twins had the faces of movie stars. Aiden reminded me so much of Ryan Phillipe… if he had tons of tattoos and a bad attitude. And Alex had a Kate Hudson vibe.
Damian Salvatore stood on her right side, staring at her body like a predator sizing up his prey. He was not right in the head. Everyone said he was unhinged and dangerous.
Bastian was on Alex’s left, taking the bag from her hand. He flashed a warm smile when she spun around to face him, and she returned the gesture. When they looked at each other, something sparked between them. Even from a distance, I felt it.
Luca, the evil mastermind of the group, waited for her impatiently, tapping his fingers on his thigh. He watched Alex with a wild look that made me shiver. Every girl at Astor Prep had a crush on him. He wasn’t even the wealthiest kid at school, but the Salvatores were the most powerful. Well, they were until the Wellington twins arrived.
“Lexie,” Aiden called out to his sister.
Alex’s face lit up, and she ran over to us, flinging her arms around his neck. “Aid, I missed you.”
He kissed her cheek. “Missed you, too, sis.”
I was a little jealous of their relationship. My older brothers were protective but not huggers. I couldn’t recall a single time any of them showed me affection, which only made losing my mom hurt more.
“Well, aren’t you two fucking adorable?” Sonny slung his arms over Alex and Aiden’s shoulders, standing between them. “Until you two came to Astor Prep, I was the hottest piece of ass walking these halls. Now, you’re both giving me a run for my money.”
Alex laughed. “You’re crazy, Sonny.”
“It’s the truth, Little Wellington. You and your brother are the talk of this school. Everyone wants to either be you or fuck you.”
“Yeah,” she muttered, her gaze shifting to the Salvatore brothers leering at her from the open locker. “I have plenty of attention, that’s for sure.”
“I don’t want it,” Aiden tossed back, slipping from Sonny’s grasp. “Nor do I care. These people can go fuck themselves.”
This was why I liked him so much. Aiden’s no fucks given attitude was so attractive.
“I’d rather you fuck me,” Sonny said, a cocky grin in place. “While I fuck Ella.”
What the hell?
My cheeks instantly flushed with heat.
“Oh God.” Alex gasped, covering her mouth with her hand. “Sonny, you can’t say stuff like that.”
“Don’t be such a prude,” Sonny chided. “It’s just sex.”
He slid over to me, graceful as usual, and pulled me into his chest. Towering over my five feet four inches, he bent down to flick his tongue over my earlobe. “What do you think, El?” I couldn’t suppress the moan that escaped my lips when he licked my neck. “Wanna give it a try on Saturday? You, me, and Aiden. I’ll even feed you breakfast in bed.”
My skin pebbled with tiny bumps of arousal. I swore the temperature in the room increased fifty degrees in the last ten seconds. With Sonny breathing on my skin, my heart raced, clambering out of my chest.
“Well, El?” Sonny’s hand inched up my throat. “Can you handle both of us?”
I opened my mouth to answer him but was cut off by Aiden.
“Don’t say a word, Cinders.” He stole me away from Sonny, wrapping one around my middle. “Remember what I said earlier? You’re the boss. Not him.”