I tilted my head back to look up at him. We didn’t need words. His actions alone told me everything I needed to know about Aiden. He would never intentionally hurt me. If I gave Aiden my virginity, he would cherish it. It wouldn’t be just sex to him.
“This is getting weird,” Alex said, striding over to me, hand extended. “Hey, I’m Alex. I’ve heard so much about you. Aiden talks about you all the time.”
Aiden groaned. “Lexie, c’mon.”
Alex chuckled, her big, blue eyes aimed at me. “Okay, maybe not all the time. But he’s told me a lot about you. I hear you’re going to RISD with us in the fall.”
“Hoping to go. Still waiting for my early decision letter.”
“I’m sure you’ll get one,” Alex said, confident despite not knowing me, only what Aiden told her. “So, Aiden says your dad is super strict, and you need help convincing him to let you hang out with us this weekend.”
I nodded. “Sorry, I know this is lame.”
“Oh, I don’t mind at all.” She smiled at me and then at her brother, glowing like the sun. “I know what it’s like. My mom was awful. She never let us do anything.”
“Thanks for doing this.”
Marcello strolled toward us, dressed in navy blue sweatpants and a matching Warriors football T-shirt, his muscles bulging beneath the fabric. Alex’s eyes widened as he approached.
“We have practice, Son.” Marcello shook his head. “I shouldn’t have to come looking for you when we’re one game away from the championships.”
“I was preoccupied with more pressing matters,” he said, eyeing up Aiden and me like pieces of meat.
“Your sex life can wait until after we win.” Marcello curled his long fingers around Sonny’s bicep. “Let’s go. Coach is asking about you.”
“So serious, Marcello.” Sonny clicked his tongue and turned to look at us. “I’ve been summoned. I’ll see you two on Saturday.”
I bobbed my head.
Aiden did, too.
Alex took one look at the Salvatore brothers. They were still staring, and it freaked me the fuck out.
“How can you stand it?” I asked Alex on our way down the corridor. “The way they watch over you is intense.”
She followed my gaze and shrugged. “They’re harmless.”
“So are snakes.” Aiden snickered. “Until they bite.”
Chapter Twenty
Alex called for a ride home around eight o’clock. Instead of asking Wayne to drive me, I snatched the keys to my grandfather’s Ferrari. I was too lazy to look for the Phantom. Too many cars were in the garage, large enough to fit another mansion.
This was one of the nice perks of being a Wellington. Back in Haven, I couldn’t afford a bus pass, let alone a luxury car. I got my driver’s license, just in case.
I mean, why not?
I figured one day I would get out of my parents’ shithole house. Until Carl showed up like a genie that popped out of a bottle, granting me infinite wishes, I’d planned to run away with Alex once I saved enough money.
Driving from Devil’s Creek and into the North Side of Beacon Bay took fifteen minutes. Ella lived in what looked like a compound, gated and guarded by armed men. We had security at Wellington Manor, but nothing like this. Men dressed in black suits lined the perimeter, packing guns. Two men stood on the second-floor balcony with binoculars.
No wonder why Ella was so afraid of her family. With this much firepower on the premises, I would live in constant fear, too.
I pulled up to the front gate and rolled down the window. “Hey, I’m Aiden Fox. I’m here to pick up my sister, Alex.”