Page 20 of Alex

“No, they don’t know who you are but even if it is them, I’m not going to let them get to you.” I swear to her and hope that she believes me. She stares in my eyes and nods her head once before she lets me go.

I quickly throw on my boxers and my pants right as the person bangs on the door again. I wish I had my gun, but I don’t, so I go into the kitchen and pull out a steak knife. Another round of banging and if it is one of my men, I might just stab him because they fucking deserve it for scaring Laura like this.

I look through the small window on the side of the door just to see who it is. Fucking Max. I see him raise his hand ready to bang again.

I rip the door open before he has a chance.

“Bang on this door again and I’ll fuck you up myself.” I snap at him.

He jumps back startled. “Oh shit! Prez! What the fuck happened Alex.” He steps in the house and pulls me into a hug I wasn’t expecting.

He lets me go and takes a step back outside. He whistles and Wire comes out from around the corner.

“What the hell were you doing back there?” I ask when he gets closer.

“I was going to break in and kill people. Thought maybe you were hostage. I’m not thinking that’s the case unless that pretty woman in the bed is keeping you hostage and if so, do you really want to be free.” Wire smirks and I realize he was just spying on Laura. My fucking Laura.

I raise the steak knife I still have in my hand and press it almost flat against his kutte.

“Wire, brother, I’d give my very life for you, but if you ever fucking look at her again, I’ll gut you. Understand?”

His body stiffens but he doesn’t show signs of fear. Wire doesn’t scare easily, instead he simply nods and apologizes, “My bad Prez.”

I move the knife and focus back on Max. “Did you have any trouble? Anyone following you?”

“No, we made sure and doubled back just to be triple sure.” Max replies.

“Good, let me get my things so we can get home. Stay out here and make sure that no one pops up.” I order and the both of them turn to stand guard.

I do my best to quickly grab up my things before I go in the room to get the rest of my clothes.

“It’s your friends, right?” Laura asks. I can still see the fear on her face. What happens when I leave? I can’t leave her alone to be scared. I don’t want to leave her at all. She needs to be with me. I need her with me.

“Yeah, everything is fine. I need you to get dressed.”

She tilts her head, “Oh how come? I thought you said everything is fine?”

“It is, but you’re coming to the clubhouse with me.” I say grabbing my shirt and slipping it over my head.

“What? Why? I don’t need to come with you.” Her eyebrows press in together and she shakes her head.

“Yes, you do. This time it wasn’t them, but I don’t know about next time. I can’t tell you with a hundred percent certainty that none of the Rolling Cobras will come here looking for you and there’s no way that I’m leaving you here alone with less than perfect odds. I know I’m high handed and overwhelming, but I know what I’m doing. I promise you that while you’re with me I’ll do everything in my power to make sure you’re safe. Once we get rid of this threat, you can let me know what you want to do.” I say shoving my hands into my pockets and waiting for her to make the decision.

“Okay, I’ll come.” She says quickly.

That was easier than I thought it was going to be. Either she’s much more scared than I thought she was, or my powers of persuasion are off the charts.

She chuckles when she sees the look on my face. “It’s like I told you back in the woods. I know you have what it takes to lead me. I’d be dumb not to take you up on the offer.” She shrugs before she walks over to her closet and starts to get dressed. Once she’s done, she packs a small overnight bag, and we walk out of the house to the truck. Max and Wire look at me like I’m nuts but neither say a word. I get in the back seat with her and we both fall asleep on the way back to the clubhouse. I’m safe with my brothers and she’s safe in my arms.

* * *

Once we get back to the clubhouse, Ryder is the first one to stop Laura at the door.

“Prez, what is this?” He points to her not even bothering to ask her who she is.

“Let me get her inside and then we can all talk about it.”

Ryder blocks both mine and her path again, “Get her inside? You know we can’t, unless she’s a bunny and she intends to hop my dick next.” He turns her gaze back to her. That same rage I felt in the convenience store bubbles back to the surface. Before I know what’s going on I’m swinging my fists into Ryder’s face.