Page 21 of Alex

Who the fuck does he think he is? How dare he talk to her like that. She’s mine. No one fucking talks to her like that.

I feel only one set of arms pulling me, small and petite. Laura.

I let her move me only because if I don’t, I’ll hurt her. My eyes never leave Ryder who is on the floor looking up at me in anger.

“Papi, look at me.” Laura talks but instead of panic or anger, her voice is soft and soothing. “Please.” She says again and my eyes reluctantly drop down to her. The anger I felt moments ago towards Ryder dissipates more every second I’m looking into her eyes. “It’s okay. You know he didn’t mean it. Your friends wouldn’t do that to me right?”

“No, he wouldn’t. He didn’t know.” I reply right away. My voice just as low as hers. It’s like she is my conscience but in the flesh. Ryder is only acting in his normal asshole way. It’s true that any women brought into the club unless it’s a party are club bunnies and club bunnies are for everyone’s use.

Laura isn’t a club bunny and never will be.

“I’m good. Let’s get you inside.” I tell her and pull away from her grasp. I walk over to Ryder who is now sitting on his ass on the floor. I put my hand down to him and he grabs it so I can help him up. It’s as close to sorry as I get before, he turns to walk into the clubhouse. I brought Laura in and set her up in my room. Once I’m satisfied, she’s comfortable I go back out to face my club.

Clean is by the bar and he looks at me with worry in his eyes. He was the last one to see me before all this shit went down. It does look like Larry was exaggerating about Ryder trying to kill Clean but not by much. Clean has a shiner and it looks like he got cracked upside his jaw based on the bruise and the busted lip.

“We can talk out here, what happened earlier concerns everyone.”

Gin is the first one to step up, “Can we talk about what happened just now? Who’s the broad?” He says and points to my room. The dumb fuck didn’t he just see what happened to Ryder.

I take a step in his direction, but Max is the one to reply.

“She’s not doing anything to anyone right now. Prez knows why she’s here and that’s all that matters. Now shut the fuck up and let your president speak.” Max snaps at Gin. Gin looks from him to me and then shakes his head. He moves back though.

“I’m assuming you all know by now that I had to leave Clean back at the bar because he had a tummy ache.” I shoot a glance at Clean who grimaces and drops his head down in embarrassment.

I snicker slightly before I continue, “You’re good Clean. This wasn’t your fault. I made you stay.” I refocus and continue with the story. “While I was on the way back, I was chased down by four Rolling Cobras. I killed one of them down by Hutton Pass, but those assholes got a good shot in and they disabled my bike.” I stop and turn to find Larry. “Larry, when I’m done, you, Archer and Barry take the truck and get my bitch.” The three of them nod and I continue.

“Once I realized I wasn’t going to outrun them on my bike, I jumped the hill and took off by foot. I ran through the brook and into the woods trying to get to the suburban complex on the other side.”

“The complex isn’t by Hutton though, it’s closer to Lambo pass, that’s a mile further.” Max says and I squint my eyes at him.

“I know that shit now, don’t I?” I roll my eyes and continue to tell them all about falling down the cliff, ending up in the soccer game, and finally hiding away in one of the cars in the parking lot.

“Let me guess, it was her car?” Ryder asks.

“Yes. Laura. She’s a chef and I held her hostage, put her life in danger and she’s been taking care of me like I’m a fucking king ever since. I don’t deserve any of what she’s done for me and I damn sure am not going to let anyone,” My eyes scan the room so I can capture everyone’s attention, “disrespect her. Ever. If it wasn’t for her, I’d be at the bottom of the fucking river dead.”

Max nods as do Wire and Mick but that’s all the support I have right now.

“What happened after you guys got safe?” Archer asks.

“We took a cab back to her house and I waited for the calvary.” I reply.

“That didn’t happen right away. Why didn’t you just take a cab home? Why go to her house?” Gin asks the question in rapid succession. “Did you think they were following you or something?”

I don’t like all the questions. “What the fuck does it matter Gin?”

“Is that why she’s here? Is she not safe?” Clean asks this time.

“I think she is but we’re going to make sure of it. We hit the Rolling Cobras tomorrow.” I announce and I watch everyone’s jaw drop.

“Whoa, whoa, we can’t just rush in there now,” Archer says.

“You want us to go to war, tomorrow?” Clean questions, his voice raising an octave.

“This is bullshit, you know we don’t have the firepower or the funds to get the fucking firepower in order to pull this shit off.” Ryder offers up. “This is fucking suicide, Alex.”

“You not thinking this through. This is your dick talking.” Gin snarls at me, “Prime would never—”