My eyes widen. “I can’t. There’s too much.”

“If Imogen is as inspired as you say, she’ll be able to spare you for one hour. Fifteen minutes to get there, fifteen minutes back, which leaves you half an hour to see everything,” Ellen says firmly. “And I’ll have my butt in a seat for your show. I promise you that.

I chew my lip. The way everything is scheduled, the show doesn’t start for an hour after Aaron’s dance.

There might be a way for me to stop in, briefly.

Ellen takes both my hands in hers. “Bella, I want you to know that you have a support system. Me, Aaron, Mike, Imogen. There are more people in your life rooting for you to succeed than you realize. And we want to help you.”

Oh, here come those tears again. I clear my throat, nodding.

“Remember you can reach out for help. You’re allowed to ask for things for yourself,” Ellen continues. She hugs me tightly once more. “You’re not a burden.”

I hug her back. Right now, I feel so seen! It’s as though I didn’t even know I needed to hear her words until she said them.

We break apart and Ellen wipes her eyes.

“Now, go to bed and get some sleep,” she orders.

I laugh and salute her. “Yes, Ma’am.”

It was a strange talk, I think as I head to my room. But as the tiredness crashes over me, my whole body relaxes.

It was a strange talk, but a good one as well.

Chapter twenty-four


The banquet room at the hotel is no grand hall. Yet, thanks to Ellen and the decorators, it has been transformed into a stunning and enchanting space.

Flower arrangements sit on every table, and the many stars with their disco mirrors hanging from the ceiling cast a twinkling light over the floor.

The walls are covered with various shots of Castleton. At the front of the room is a huge collage of the people who live there.

“You did amazing,” I tell Ellen, impressed by her work.

She flips her hair over her shoulder. “Of course I did. But it’s nice to be appreciated. I want this to be a glorious event.”

I chuckle, grinning at her. “No wonder Mike wanted to propose to you tonight.”

“Yes… that was inappropriate of us, wasn’t it?” Ellen winces. “I guess we just got caught up in ourselves.”

“You asked and took no for an answer, so it’s just fine.” I shrug.

Ellen gives me a grateful smile. “Did you reach your target for the fundraiser?”

“Exceeded it. Not only did people buy tickets, but they also donated extra. By my reckoning, we have enough to help Castleton stabilize the several hills they’re concerned about.”

As I’m speaking with Ellen, my eyes are skimming the crowd. Did she come?

Finally, I spot Bella lingering under the moon hanging from the ceiling, close to the collage. I excuse myself from Ellen.

“I’m so glad you could make it,” I greet Bella, hugging her.

Bella grins back at me. “This is incredible! You really outdid yourself on this one. I’m glad I came.”

I grin, a flush rising in my cheeks. “I couldn’t have done it without everyone’s help. It’s been quite the eye-opening experience.”