“I’m going to need the name of your decorator. This is amazing, and I’d love to have something like this at my next show.” She smiles to herself.
“Next show?” I repeat, worried. “You didn’t cancel tonight’s show, did you?”
Bella’s eyes soften as she shakes her head. “No. I’m just getting in a half an hour here before I rush back to the last-minute chaos. Imogen was very understanding.”
“Good.” I relax again.
The music turns to a slow dance, and I hold my hand out to her. “Would you care to join me on the floor?”
Bella’s gaze flickered to the dance floor. It was already full of couples swaying to the music.
Was this too much? I almost rescind the offer.
Then she puts her hand in mine, smiling again. “I’d love to.”
We step onto the dance floor, and I gently place my hands on her waist as she rests hers on my shoulders. We begin to sway in a slow dance, her eyes sparkling beneath the twinkling lights above us.
“I’m sorry that I haven’t been very communicative these last few weeks,” Bella says.
“You needed time.”
Bella nods slowly. “I did. But that’s not why I stopped talking to you. The truth is, when you said you wanted to help me, I honestly didn’t believe you.”
I wince. My first instinct is to reassure her that I meant it from the bottom of my heart, but I know it’s not about me. I’m not the reason she felt it was a hollow gesture.
"Then, when I realized you were telling the truth, I convinced myself that I shouldn't need help. I thought, I can handle this on my own. Why should I bother Aaron?" She shakes her head and sighs deeply. "I've been drowning for so long that I thought it was normal."
“And now?” I ask.
Bella looks thoughtful. "Now? Now I'm beginning to understand what it truly means to ask for help."
I laugh as I spin her. “I’m glad. Because I really am here, ready and willing to help whenever you need me.”
As she grins back at me, I glance at the clock.
“How long do you have before you have to run away like Cinderella at the ball?” I ask.
“Not long,” she admits. “This dance, then maybe one more song. We’re going to be starting soon, and I don’t want to be any later than I promised.”
It didn’t give me much time.
“I have to say… I’m proud of you, Aaron,” she says, distracting me from my thoughts.
“Proud of me?”
She nods. “You put so much time and effort into bringing this all together. It will make a huge difference for the people in Castleton.”
My cheeks warm with her praise. “Thank you. I’m happy with the results, too. My time has been packed, but it’s been worth it.”
“There are so many other things you could do, though,” she says. “Why this? Why decide to dedicate over a month of your energy to helping people you don’t even know?”
She searches my eyes. What’s she looking for? I keep my expression open as I consider my words.
"The truth is, I don't know how to answer that," I finally say. "I have the means to help in this case, but it's hard knowing what I can do. There's always someone in need, and I can't help them all."
“And Castleton?”
“I knew what I could do, and I knew I could do it,” I answer simply.