She smiles sadly. “And I know that. It might take a frustratingly long time for me to believe it, though.”

My heart aches for her.

Whether it’s all Steven’s fault or not, it certainly wasn’t a good relationship.

“That brings me to something else.” Bella folds her hands on the table and stares at them.

I wait for her to speak.

“It’s just that… well, in Castleton when you and Mike intervened, Ellen and I were basically stranded and in need of rescue.”

“Yes?” I prompt, wondering where’s she going with this.

Bella takes a deep breath. “You aren’t sticking around because you think I’m someone who needs to be rescued, are you? You don’t want to just be my hero?”

The question surprises me. “Of course not. Who said I did?”

“Nobody. But Ellen and I were talking the other night. She said that you always want to help people. Even strangers,” she says shyly. “And I already can see that myself. Like this charity dance.”

Ah. I nod slowly, considering my words. “It was a source of contention between us.”

Bella watches my face anxiously.

“I’ll admit, I like to be a hero,” I say. “I like to help people. But that’s not the reason I’m interested in you.”

“Are you sure? Because if it is, you’ll lose all interest if I ever manage to stand on my own feet again.”

I cross my fingers over my heart. “I promise. But to be completely honest… the reason I’m interested is because I want a relationship. With you. Not right now, but in the future.”

“I’m not ready.”

“Neither am I.” I give her a tight smile. “I have too many other things that I’m committed to right now. That’s why I wanted to make sure that you know I don’t expect anything from you. I want a relationship, but I can’t have one. That doesn’t mean you should wait for me.”

Bella lets out a soft breath.

“It might seem glamorous to be famous,” I continue. “But there is pressure, too. It’s not just about the training and the games. I need to be able to focus solely on finishing out my career before I get serious.”

“I understand what you mean. Hopefully, it will work for us to have the right timing in the future. But for now…”

“For now, friends,” I say.

Her eyes twinkle. “With kissing.”

My gaze drops to her lips. I find myself leaning in without even meaning to.

“With kissing,” I agree.

And we seal it with a kiss.

Chapter nineteen


Less than a week left to go.

I chew my lip and twist my hands. Imogen called me last night, saying she needed to see what I had ready now.

So, I came into work early and put my sewn designs on the dress forms.