“When I am not with you, it’s easy to forget why I shouldn’t spend time with you,” I answer, shaking my head. “I’m quite the conundrum. I need to figure out who I am, but when I’m with you, I feel more like myself than I ever have before.”
His expression grows serious. “Am I projecting onto you?”
I bump his arm with mine. “No. No, this feels too easy and right to be something you’re putting on me. I am a little worried I’m draining you, though.”
“I don’t feel drained.”
I hesitate at the door to the building. Ellen is supposed to be out with Mike, but she should be home soon.
I don’t want to end this evening with Aaron, not when I feel so light and free with him.
“Do you want to come up to the apartment until Ellen gets back?” I ask, a bit bashfully.
Aaron glances up at the building. “I don’t think that is such a good idea, Bella. I want to take this slow, and I’m afraid right now I don’t know how to keep things only as friends.”
Gratitude sweeps through me. I love that he’s being open and honest with me about this.
I’m not used to being in this sort of situation, so I’m happy to be in it with him when he’s the sort of man who will be honest with me.
At the same time… “Well, we didn’t exactly say we had to only be friends. Only that we’re not dating.”
Aaron softly chuckles as a smirk worms its way over his face. “If we’re not dating, doesn’t that mean we’re friends?”
“Friends… or maybe casually seeing each other? Not that you should come up,” I add quickly. “But…”
Aaron waits. “But?”
But we’re trying to be honest here, right? I take a deep breath. “But even if we’re not dating and we want to take this slow, maybe a kiss goodnight is still possible?”
“Are you sure?” Aaron asks, his voice low.
I nod.
He steps in closer. One of his arms wraps around my waist, and the other cups my cheek. When he kisses me, he kisses me at the corner of my mouth. Not full on the lips.
My knees go weak all the same.
It’s a good thing he didn’t kiss my lips.
Otherwise, all thoughts of taking it slow would disappear.
“Thank you,” I say, feeling oddly awkward. “Maybe we can get together tomorrow to talk more about the dance? I’d love to actually help with something.”
I feel as though I’m floating as I head upstairs.
To my surprise, Ellen is at home. She’s wearing a cute, pink PJ set and watching TV.
“I thought you were out,” I say in surprise. “It’s a good thing Aaron didn’t come up.”
Ellen dives for the remote and pauses her show. “You were with Aaron?”
My cheeks grow warm as I clear my throat. “We went for a walk and dinner.”
“And you invited him up?” Ellen clasps her hands together. “Does that mean you two are together now?”
“No. We talked it over and we’re going to keep things at a not-dating stage for the time being,” I admit. I hang my purse up near the door and then collapse onto the sofa next to Ellen. “We had quite the talk about it all. When I’m with him, things seem to be so straightforward.”
Ellen chews her lip.