“What happens if it never drops, and you’ve spent your life waiting for it instead of living?” I remember something Dad said and smile as I brush my lips over hers. “Time’s a thief, Mac. Don’t give it any more than you have to give. Don’t live your life in fear of the what-if.”
“I don’t know if I can do that, Nix.” She climbs into my lap and presses her forehead to mine. “But for you, I’ll try. Only for you,” she tells me, echoing my earlier words. “Only ever you.”
My inner caveman roars to life, possessive as fuck at finally hearing those words. Words I’ve been dying to fucking hear for weeks. “Does that make you my girlfriend?” I ask with my lips pressed to hers. “Because I’ve got to tell you, sixteen-year-old me, would have jizzed his pants if he knew one day Mackenzie Hayes would be his girlfriend.”
“Oh yeah?” She kisses one corner of my mouth, then the other before she pulls her shirt over her head and tosses it to the floor. “What would sixteen-year-old Nixon have done if he knew he was about to get to touch my boobs?”
“He sure as hell wouldn’t have had a clue what to do with them.” I lick into her mouth, dinner long forgotten, and she pulls back just enough to look into my eyes.
“Guess it’s a good thing I waited for you then, Sinclair.”
Her words are like a balm to my tired soul, erasing the bone-deep exhaustion left over from my meeting with Hunter and the decision that had to be made.
“I love bossy Nixon.” She shifts her hips, and a tiny moan slips past her lips.
“Good. Now get on your knees and show me.”
My biggest flex in life is I already know my soulmate. All four of them, actually, and they’ve been my best friends for fifteen years. Ten out of ten, recommend.
—Kenzie’s Secret Thoughts
Nixon presses his lips to my forehead, and I open my eyes. “You leaving?” I ask, still half asleep.
“Yeah, baby. Go back to sleep. I’ll see you tonight.” He kisses me again, and I pull him down to me and think about holding him here so I can hide from the world a little bit longer.
“I’m going to talk to your sisters this morning, so I don’t blindside them tonight. Just letting you know.”
“Have fun with that.” He pulls back and pulls the blanket up to cover my naked chest. “You make it really hard to want to leave, Mac.”
“Then don’t,” I murmur, still not ready to burst our bubble.
“Don’t tempt me.” He shakes his head and walks away, and I feel the loss on a molecular level and wonder when exactly that happened. When did hesitation turn to want and want turn to need? Actual physical need?
I don’t have to be in the office until noon today, so I grab my phone from the nightstand and shoot off a text to the girls.
Anyone around for coffee this morning?
If you don’t mind Knight attached to my boob because that’s the only time he doesn’t cry, I’m in. But seriously... do I have to shower?
Umm... That’s a no-go for me. The smell of coffee makes me want to vomit.
Everything makes you want to vomit.
You’re not wrong.