Hey, you want me to pick you up for dinner?
It’s the first thing Nixon has said to me since last night when he deposited me at my front door. No kiss. No talk about lesson two. He waited until I walked through my door, then told me to lock myself in before he left. Then he just... left.
No discussion. No fanfare. Hell, no talk about anything at all. Just lock up.
I stare at the message on my phone from the bed in the on-call room.
After giving up on getting any decent amount of sleep last night, I decided to stop by and check on the practice’s patients early this morning. Since then, I’ve had two go into active labor and another two come in who are still hours away from delivery. Everything is quiet at the moment, but admitting that is typically the kiss of death.
You’ve gotta eat, Mac. Might as well make my mom happy while you’re doing it.
My pager goes off, as if my thought of quiet was all it took to piss fate off, and I admittedly breathe a sigh of relief.
Everything doesn’t always look better in the light of day. And last night... well, let’s just say I’m thinking it might be better if last night stayed buried in the dark. I can’t believe I admitted I’ve only had sex twice. How am I supposed to face him now? He didn’t even want to kiss me last night.
Sorry. At the hospital. Already been a long day. Please tell Belles I appreciate the offer.
Okay. Have fun.
I sit there, staring at my phone.
Was I expecting him to guilt me because I have to work?
Maybe I was.
When my mom was still alive, she used to say she was single because no one would ever understand her schedule, and hers wasn’t half as hectic as mine is.
Three hours, one emergency c-section, and a healthy ten-pound baby boy later, I finally glance down at my phone again. This time, it’s two other Sinclairs texting me.
Hey! Missed you at dinner tonight. Mom said you were coming but got caught at the hospital. How was last night? Nix said Dr. Dick left you alone.
Mom sent Nix home with a doggie bag for you. It’s from Nonna’s, and we all know no one can pass up Nonna’s chicken parm. I think there’s some salad and maybe a strawberry cupcake in there too.
Guess you’re knee deep in someone’s amniotic fluid right about now and that’s why you’re not answering. Ohhh... Or you’re getting it on with a hot doc in a broom closet. That always looks like fun on TV.
I’d be scared something would fall on me.
Ehh... That’s half the fun. Fingers crossed he looks like McSteamy. He was hotter.
You watch too much TV, Evie.