Listen, Grey’s Anatomy is my comfort show.
People die in every episode.
I’m there for the hot docs, not the dead bodies. Don’t be picky, Gracie.
For identical twins, the girls couldn’t be more different in most other ways if they tried. And I’m not gonna lie, chicken parm from Nonna’s sounds absolutely delicious right about now. But it’s ten o’clock at night. I can’t knock on Nixon’s door and ask him for food this late. Can I?
I wrestle with that thought as I drive home from the hospital, freshly showered because tonight was a messy one, and I’m dreaming of soft clothes and softer pillows.
I’ll eat tomorrow.
However, once I make it home and change into my softest cream sleep shorts and the matching slouchy sweatshirt, which are basically my version of comfort clothing, my stomach is still growling for that chicken parm. I can practically taste the garlic on my tongue when I look at my phone and debate whether I should call Nixon or maybe just shoot off a text. Seriously... I stare at my phone long enough to want to kick my own ass for being silly and overthinking on a whole new level, even for me.
As Brynnie would tell me—Time to woman up, buttercup.
There’s chicken parm at stake.
I can do this.
It wouldn’t have been a big deal two nights ago.
Why should it be a big deal now?
I let myself out of my condo and pad down the hall to Nixon and Leo’s place and knock on their door. See? Not a big deal. I’ve got this.
Leo swings the door open with a goofy grin on his face. “Kenzie Hayes... fancy meeting you here.”
I roll my eyes and cross my arms over my chest as he drags his eyes down the length of me. “Don’t be a perv, Leo.”
I walk past him into the condo, already more comfortable than I was five minutes ago, because this... this I can deal with. Leo has always been a bit of a goof and maybe a touch of a perv—but in a funny way. “I heard you guys brought home a doggy bag I’m supposed to pick up.”
A bedroom door opens, and Gordie comes barreling out, nearly knocking me on my ass before I have time to squat down and love on him. “Take it easy there, big guy.” I scratch behind his ears, and the tubby puppy rolls over onto his back, letting me know he wants some belly scratching. “I got’cha.”
“Hey, Mac. I thought you were at the hospital.” Oh, wow. Gordie might not have managed to knock me on my ass, but his owner certainly just did. Tonight’s sweats are black with the red, white, and blue Revolution logo going down the leg. His hair is wet, and his shirt is blessedly off.
And oh my... That’s a lot of abs.
Gordie decides while I’m distracted is the perfect time to pop up and lick at my face, and this time, he actually does knock me down. “Hey, Nix.”
“Gordie, come,” I give my ornery dog the order just like the trainer said to, only he couldn’t give two shits about me. He’s planted himself between Mac’s legs and is licking her face. Can’t say I blame him. I’d rather be there too.
Yeah . . . Best keep that thought to myself.
At least for now.
Instead, I offer her a hand up, then smack the back of Leo’s head as he laughs like a dumb fuck. “You okay, Mac?”
She dusts off her perfect ass, encased in teeny, little shorts, barely a shade darker than her sun-kissed skin. And oh yeah, my mouth fucking waters, and my dick definitely thinks it’s time to start those damn lessons now.
When she said she’d never enjoyed sex and admitted she’d only ever been with one man, I may have seen red last night. Even in college, I knew to take care of her first before I took care of myself. Whoever the her was. And I played hockey for the top team in the nation. Let’s just say there were plenty of chances.