Page 95 of Shattered Dreams

“Uh, thanks?”

“You know what I mean. Did Henry bail you out?”

“I wasn’t arrested.”

“And Johnny?”

“Oh, I’m pretty sure he’s arrested.” He chuckled.

I stuffed some fries into my mouth. “Did you get to see the kids?”

“No. I came straight here.”

My body deflated. “I went to see them first. I’m so selfish.”

“Whoa!” He grabbed my hand. “I love you. They’re fine, baby. I would bet they are being sugared up and they’ll let them crash out when they’re ready. And it wasn’t selfish to check on our babies first.”

“You should probably run far from me.”

“Too late. I’m in love with all six of you.”

“You’re just crazy.”

“Yeah. I know.”

The surgical doors opened, and a doctor came out with a nurse. They walked over to us and it was quiet for a moment.

“Ms. Whitman, when your father was brought in, he had lost a significant amount of blood. We did all we could to stop the bleeding …”

There’s a huge knot in my throat. “Is he dead?”

“Yes. He is.”

Richard took my hand. “Baby?”

“This is Connie, your care nurse.” The doctor motioned to the lady at his side. “If you have questions, you can direct them to her.” The doctor walked away, and Connie took a seat at the little table.

“Jo?” Richard turned my face to his.

“My dad is dead.”

He nodded.

I felt my head moving. “I can’t go back in that house, Richie.”

“You don’t have to, baby.”

“He killed my dad.”

The car nurse interjected. “Doctor Rivers and his team did all he could …”

Rolling my eyes, I cut her off. “Not the damn doctor. My ex-husband.”

“Oh. Oh my.”

“He fucking killed my father.” My voice raised. “What the hell am I supposed to do with that? How am I supposed to feel?”

“However you want to feel, Jolynn.” Connie offered.