Page 94 of Shattered Dreams

Her pager goes off and she gives me another hug. “I’ll check back when I can.”

“Sounds good.”

I watched her jog off towards the elevators, and I dropped into a chair. Today felt so surreal and I felt so numb. Pulling out my phone, I saw a text from a number I didn’t recognize.

did you make it safe?

how’s your dad?

This is mama jean.

“Oh. Okay.” I sighed and relaxed as much as I could in the chair.

Should I text or call?

I’m debating it out when my phone rang.


“Are you at the hospital safe?”

“Yes, mama Jean. I am.”

“How’s your father?”

“In surgery.”

“Were you able to find out what’s going on, or did you tune out?”

“I tuned out. There were so many words.”

“I understand. We’re gonna send someone up to be with you, so you’re not alone.”

“That’s not necessary.”

“We’re family. It’s what we do.”

“How are the kids?”

“They’re fine. The boys are playing pool and video games downstairs, and the girls are getting snuggles up here with me and Olivia.”

“Tell them I love them.”

“I will.”

Hanging up the phone, I kicked back in the chair. I felt like I could sleep for days.

Something felt like it was rubbing my leg and I jumped in the chair, shocked to see Richard standing there.


“Yeah, baby.”

“You’re really here?”

“It’s me.” He nodded. “You hungry?”

I put the footrest down, bounced out of the chair, and embraced him. “I’ve never been so happy to see you.”