Page 73 of Shattered Dreams

He panted hard. “Mom. There’s a tick on my nuts.”

“Harrison. Stop saying that.”

“But mom. There’s a tick.”

“On your nuts. I know.”

I got into the diaper bag, digging out the small manicure kit I kept in there to get the tweezers and a small alcohol pad. “This might sting. Hold still.”

The tick didn’t look completely imbedded, so I grabbed on to the body of it and gave it a tug, pulling it off.

“Owwww.” He howled, bouncing up and down. “It burns.”

“I know, sweetheart. How on earth did you get a tick on your nuts?” Confusion filled me.

“Maybe when he peed behind the tree.” Grady spoke from outside the tent.

“You peed on a tree?”

“Well, yeah, Richdad said it’s okay.”

I rolled my eyes as I shook my head. “Richard, if any of my boys pee in the backyard, I’m blaming you.”

“I’ll take the blame.” He chuckled.

“Please get dressed for lunch?” I turned to leave the tent.

“Okay, mom. Thanks for getting the tick off my nuts.”

I swear if I hear tick on my nuts one more time.

“Sure, baby.”

When I got outside the tent, I looked over at Richard, who was holding Emma, and saw his shoulders shaking. He had the two smaller boys and Briar eating. He walked over to me, pulled me into his free arm.

I couldn’t stop the laughter, and together we laughed and shook while we hugged.

“I swear. If this trip gets any more adventurous …”

“Right?” He laughed and lowered his voice. “Wanna check my nuts for ticks?”

“Richard Garrett.” I joked and pinched his nipple. “C’mon, let’s eat.”

Walking to the table with our arms around each other, we joined the kids and had a great lunch. After we’re done eating, we went to the pool and spent the day making memories.

There wasn’t time to think about anything but the next activity, and it felt like we were a family.

The kids crashed out after they ate their weight in s’mores and pies. Emma refused to give in to sleep until she ate one last bite, and I tucked her in with her siblings in the tent.

As I stepped from it, I saw Richard stoking the fire, waiting for me.

“All tucked in?”

“Try knocked out.”

His laughter was rich, and he opened his arms for me to join him. I got down on the blanket and snuggled close.

“It’s been a helluva day.” He sighed.