At this moment, they are mine.
While we fished, I worked with Grady on his speech. We practiced speaking slower to let the thought form. Harrison and I practiced his addition and subtraction, and Tyler just kept looking at me, smiling.
The boys also learned the fine art of peeing behind a tree, and Tyler informed me he enjoys peeing outside.
Might need to watch and make sure he’s not pissing off the back porch at home.
“Dad, I’m hungry.” One twin yelled.
“I am too.” Harrison nodded in agreement.
“Me three, guys. Let’s pack it up, go find mom and the girls and then we can do lunch and maybe go swimming?”
The boys helped clean up, and we walked back to our campsite with all three talking over each other.
Sitting in the camper with air conditioning didn’t really feel like camping. It’s nice, but I missed the gentle breeze blowing and my rocking chair in plenty of shade.
I finished my iced tea and noticed Emma was falling asleep. “I should get back and get something ready for lunch.”
“Oh.” Trish looked surprised. “I hate camping, and I’m always in here, so if you need a break, come on back.”
“I will. Thank you.” I got my girls, and we went back across to our campsite.
Briar seemed much happier running around outside than she did inside playing. I watched as she chased a grasshopper while I settled into the rocker camping chair.
The last twenty-four hours have been the best of my life. Richard didn’t forget anything. He brought toys for the girls, small toddler camping chairs and a thick blanket he spread out for Emma to play on as well.
Over on one picnic table, he had everything we needed to make s’mores and campfire pies. Along with a first aid kit and a fat stack of towels.
Emma occupied herself with the toys, and soon I heard my boys’ excited voices. Before I could stop Briar, she ran towards the sound. My heart jumped into my throat as I watched her unsteadily make her way towards them.
Looking up, I saw them coming our way, so I let her run. Then I felt tears wetting my face as I noticed my baby girl wasn’t running to her brothers.
She ran straight to Richard.
He handed a small tackle box to Harrison, and with one arm, scooped her up. When they get to me, she was patting his chest repeating, “Da Da Da Da Da Da.”
Pressing my lips together, I cringed. “Sorry.”
“I’m not.” He leaned over and handed me the girl. “We’re going to put our gear up and then we need to clean up. We’re hungry.”
“I’ll get some sandwiches made.”
The boys helped put the gear away in the van and then ran over to the bathhouse. I set the table, made the sandwiches, got the girls ready, and then stood back to appreciate my work when I heard a frantic scream from the bathhouse.
“There’s a tick on my nuts!”
When I looked over, I saw Harrison completely naked, except for water shoes, running towards me, yelling. “Mom! Mom! There’s a tick on my nuts! Mom! Tick! On! My! Nuts!”
I caught my son in my arms and looked down at him. “What are you yelling about?”
“Mom, look!” He jumped away, showing me his private area. “It’s a tick!” He pointed to the spot where a tick was attached. “On my nuts!”
“I see it now. Let’s get in the tent, please? No one else needs to see you naked.”