Page 39 of Shattered Dreams

“Thank you. Tell you what, maybe later I can take you for a ride in her.”

“Really? That’d be sick.”

“Sick?” Her nose scrunched up.

“Oh, you must be old. That means cool.” He offered.

Everyone laughed and Richard came over to me. “Hello.”

His deep voice reached into my soul, and I smiled at him. “Hello.”

“What brings you here?”

“We brought you lunch.” Harrison came over.

“Really?” Richard smiled and, like a sunflower, I followed his warmth.

“I hope I still remember what you like.” I felt like a silly school girl with a crush.

“Anything you brought me is fine.”

Harrison opened the back door, and Richie reached for the sack and motioned for us to follow him.

“We didn’t interrupt anything, did we?”

“Not at all.”

I looked back and saw Cooper open his mouth to talk to Olivia. She held her hand up and walked away.

“Did Cooper piss off Libby?”

Richard busted out laughing. “I’ll fill you in later.”

“Will your boss be mad that we’re here?” Harrison asked, taking Richard’s free hand in his.

“Nah.” Richard beamed at him. “It’s all good.”

He took us to a break room and then went to wash his hands. Harrison took the spot beside him and did the same while I set everyone’s food out.

They came over and we all tucked into eating when my phone rang again. I reached into my purse and saw it was John. Setting it on the table screen side down, it stopped the ringing.

Thirty seconds later it rang again, and Harrison, being curious, picked it up and hit the button, putting his dad’s face on the screen.

“Harrison.” John’s voice filled the room.

“H … Hi, dad.” My son deflated. Harrison looked at me and I nodded, letting him know he’s okay.

“Who are you looking at?” John grumbled.

“No … no one.” He shook his head.

“How are you doing?”

“I’m okay.” He looked at me again.

“Who. Are. You. Looking. At?” John’s voice escalated.

“No one.” My son shook in his seat.