“Yeah, Sweetie?”
“Do you like Richard?”
“That’s an odd question.” I glanced over at him and then back on the road. “Of course. He’s my friend.”
“Um. Do you like him more than you like dad?”
I stopped for a red light and looked over at my son. This was my firstborn asking me this bizarre question.
But was it really bizarre?
“What makes you ask that?”
“I know you and dad don’t like each other, and we don’t have to live with him anymore.” He took his hand back and fidgeted with his fingers. “But me an’ the others talked and we like Richard.”
“Oh. Well, your father and I aren’t divorced yet.”
He nodded as I turned away to drive. “But maybe we could ask Richard to wait until you are?”
Did I hear him right?
Before I could answer, Harrison pushed on. “Is it my fault that dad was mean?”
“Oh baby. No.” I reached over and took his hand. “This is something between me and daddy. And you kids got stuck in the mess.”
He bobbed his head as he stared out the window. I gave his hand a reassuring squeeze and drove the rest of the way in silence. Pulling into the parking lot for the garage, I saw Olivia’s Mustang, Richie’s old truck and a fancy old muscle car that I thought was hot, but I didn’t know what it was.
“Want me to get the food?” I asked as my son gaped at the cars. He nodded and got out of the van, walking over to the mustang.
“She’s a beaut! Right?” A man’s voice called out.
Harrison pulled his hands away and looked at the ground. “I wasn’t touching it, mister.”
“Hell, kid.” The man walked closer, and I realized it was Cooper. “You can touch Ophelia.”
“Who’s Opeeleeya?”
“Ophelia. That’s the car’s name. I’m sure O won’t mind.” He smiled at me. “Hey, Jo.”
“Hey, Coop.”
Harrison’s eyes almost bugged out of his head. “I’ve never seen a car this color before.”
“Hey, Harrison!” Richard wiped his hands as he walked over. “You like the car?”
“It’s so cool looking.”
“That she is.” He smiled at me, and my heart filled with butterflies. “This car is special.”
“It is?”
“Yep. Mr. Joe taught us how to rebuild her from the ground up. And his daughter was in on the build. She did most of the work.”
“A girl did this?” Harrison’s eyes popped open wide.
“I sure did.” Olivia walked up. “You must be Harrison. I’m Libby.”
“I like your car.”