“Tsk-tsk.” Andrew waggled a finger at me. “We can’t change what was. We can only shape what is and will be.”
“Get outta’ my head.” I huffed. “I know that.”
“Let’s get food to Jo and then get one some rides!” Jeremy changed the topic. “We’re here to have fun.”
“That’s right.”
We went over and got drinks, fried foods, and some desserts. Then we took the offerings to Jo.
“You and the girls good?” I smiled down at the little princess and chubby-cheeked infant gripping a French fry in each hand.
“It looks like we’re good.” She smiled at me, and I wanted to lean down and kiss her.
That’s not what she needs right now. Besides, she doesn’t want you.
“Give a call if you need anything. We’re going to play games and ride rides.” I turned away.
“Will do.” Her sweet voice was music to my ears.
The three of us took the three of them into the heart of the fair. With every passing minute, the boys relaxed and eased into being kids without a worry in the world. This was what they needed. All of them.
We took a turn on the bumper cars, then went over to the swings. The boys wound us through the crowd, trying every ride they could.
“We neber gets to do dis.” Grady bounced alongside Jeremy.
“I have a feeling you’ll be doing more things than the fair.” He bounced with the boy, and I laughed at them both.
Our business hit the ground running and since I lived above work, I had very few bills. Over the last few years, I’d amassed quite the nest egg for myself and knowing I was using it to give Jo and the kids part of the life they deserved gave me joy.
I looked up to see her and the girls coming towards us. Briar walked alongside the stroller, holding on.
We met them half-way, and she twirled her dress. “Wide.”
I bowed to her and swept my arm towards all the small kiddie rides. “What would you like to ride?”
Jo’s eye grew as Briar walked over and took my hand, pulling me towards the merry-go-round.
“Hang on, Princess.” I gave her little hand a tug. “Should we take Emma with us?”
Her little head bobbed shaking her tiara all around.
“Jo, wanna hand me the baby?” I held my arm out.
Jeremy reached into the stroller, pulling her out. “I got little bit.”
I reached into my back pocket, pulled out my wallet, and handed each boy a ten. “Drew? Would you help them pick some games?”
“I would love it!” Andrew motioned towards the games. “Come with me boys, we’ll see if we can’t win some great prizes to take home.”
Jo shook her head at me.
“You can’t just … throw money around.” She made a weird motion with her arms.
“I earned it.” Lifting my shoulder in a careless shrug, I winked. “I can spend it how I want.”
“Richie?” Tears formed in her beautiful blue eyes. “I …”