Page 31 of Shattered Dreams

“You’re welcome, Jo.” I stepped closer to her and wiped a lone tear that fell away. “You need some money for food, drink, or games?”

She giggled. “I would love another lemon shake-up.”

I handed her my wallet. “Get what you want.”

Briar tugged my hand again and I let her lead us to the merry-go-round. We got in line and when it was our turn; I let her choose her pony.

I lifted her up to sit, and she squealed with delight. “Hold on to the pole, baby.”

She reached out and grabbed on. Jeremy sat Emma on the horse ahead of us, holding on to her.

“So, big brother?” He smirked at me. “If I didn’t know better, I’d think you were in love with all six of them.”

“And?” I tossed back as the ride started up.

“And if I ever meet that futhermucker it’s game on.” He growled, his dark eyes filled with anger. “Do you know what Grady told me?”

“What?” My eyes narrowed. I already hated her ex on principle. Everything I’m learning about him is making me feel homicidal.

“When we got off the Viking boat, he couldn’t breathe, and it reminded him of when his daddy held him by the neck.” His lips tightened. “Only the Viking boat was fun, not scary.”

“I love her.”

“You’ve always loved her.” My brother’s voice softened, and he laughed as the baby squealed in delight. “Maybe you should woo her.”

Briar leaned against my chest, and I wrapped an arm around her. “I got you, princess.”

Hell. Not even twenty-four hours have passed and I’m head over heels for the love of my life and her kids.

“Harrison told me she hasn’t smiled in a long time.” I shook my head.

“Ma never smiled a whole lot when he was alive.”

The ride slowed and came to a stop. We exited the ride with our girls and then let them play the duck pond game.

“You’re spoiling them.” Jo came up beside me. “I got some pictures of ya’ll on the ride.”

“Briar liked it.”

“What’s not to like? Little miss princess had a handsome man by her side while riding her noble steed.”

I looked over at the Ferris wheel and back at Jo. “You still like the wheel?”

“I haven’t been on one since the last time with you.”

“Would you like to go on it with me?” Nerves rattled my brain.

Please say yes.

“I would love to.” Her face twisted up. “But we’ll need to take the girls.”

Andrew came over and hip-checked her from the stroller. “I got the girls.”

“I got the boys.” Jeremy smiled.

I offered her my hand, unsure if she would take it. Then I felt her fingers tickle my palm. “Let’s go get in line.”

I gave her a playful tug. “They have the big boats instead of the small two person one.”