“So, then, how do you know you won’t like it?”
I give him my best withering stare. “I know I won’t like it with you.”
“You won’t know unless you try.”
“And I’m not going to try. So, you’ll just have to go without sex for the rest of your life.”
“I can get it elsewhere.”
I narrow my eyes. “You’re not cheating on me. You won’t disrespect me like that.”
“Viktoriya,” he says, taking my hand in his, even though I just told him not to touch me, “I have no intention of disrespecting you.” His eyes flick down to my full plate. “You’ve barely eaten anything. Nervous?”
I can’t tell him it’s because I need to lose weight to become a ballerina again. “This food isn’t to my liking. It’s disgusting.”
“What a shame. A beautiful woman like you with an attitude such as yours. You’re going to give yourself a heart attack one of these days from the sheer amount of stress you’re putting on your own shoulders.”
“You’re the one who makes me stressed.”
“Then how about we get out of here and go up to our room for the night? Nothing will happen,” he adds quickly. “We’ll just sleep.”
I look down at his hand covering my own. It doesn’t feel … bad. But I’m not still not going to give myself over to him. “Fine. I’m done with this party anyway.” I shove my plate away and stand up, barely containing my wince.
“I’ll help you upstairs,” he offers.
“I can walk on my own,” I snap.
I leave the ballroom and the rest of our guests as Aleksander follows me. Once we’re alone in the elevator, he leans close to my ear. “You need to start learning to accept help.”
“I don’t need any help. I am perfectly capable of doing things on my own.”
He doesn’t respond as the elevator doors open, and we head to our room. Our suite is grand and elegant, but I would expect nothing less. At least Aleksander got this right.
“I had them bring up our luggage for the night,” he explains. “I’m going to change.” And right before my eyes, he starts taking his clothes off.
I sputter and turn away.
“Scared to look?” he mocks.
“No. Disgusted to look. I don’t need to see your naked body.”
“You can look if you want. It’s ok, Viktoriya. I won’t mind.”
My curiosity wins, and I glance in his direction. He’s wearing sweats now, with no shirt.
I can admit hedoeslook good shirtless.
But that’s it.
Nothing else about him is handsome.
“Like what you see?” he teases.
Immediately, I’m transported back into Akim’s room. Even though he wasn’t naked, he tried to make me naked. He tried to rape me. I was alone in a room with him, just like I’m alone in a room with Aleksander now.
My breath starts to come out in small pants. My vision is blackening at the edges.
Aleksander frowns. “Viktoriya?”