“Shh. Here,” Hunter says, guiding me into a sitting position. His body is so warm, and his arm so steady around me, that I can feel the tears forming underneath the blindfold as relief floods me. Then I feel something against my lips.
It’s a straw. I suck eagerly, and cool water flows in. I drink until he takes it away, and while I want more…
I really have learned my lesson this time.
“Thank you, Master,” I whisper hoarsely.
He strokes my hair gently, like he actually cares about me. I swallow another sob.
“I want what’s best for you,” he says, and I think I feel his lips brush against my head. “I want you to be healthy. I want to be able to trust you.”
I don’t believe him, not when he’s willing to do something like this to me, but I’m not going to say that out loud. I’m not going to get snarky. I’m not going to let despair override my common sense. I’m not…
“Thank you, Master,” I repeat, this time a little uncertainly because I don’t know what he expects me to say to that.
“I’m going to release you now. We’ll have a late meal together—you really need to eat—and after that…” He trails a finger down my cheek. “I’ll allow you to sleep in the bed with me.”
“Please, Master,” I say, tears continuing to soak into the blindfold. “Thank you. I’ll be good. I promise.”
“That’s all I want from you.” He removes the blindfold.
I blink and try to orient myself. We’re in the living room, and I’m next to the coffee table. The only light is the small table lamp next to the couch. His tablet is on the side table, but so is one of the controllers for the system.
I’m pretty sure I’d put that away properly the last time we played, but that’s only a fleeting thought.
All I care about is that he’s supporting me, practically holding me, and if I wasn’t bound, I’d be clinging to him. As it is, I bury my tear-stained face against his shoulder the best I can. “Thank you, Master,” I whimper.
He kisses the top of my head before finally unhooking my wrists and ankles from each other. I can’t stop myself from wrapping my arms around him and sobbing softly into his shoulder.
Don’t be grateful, I try to remind myself. It’s his fault I was in that position in the first place.
But the relief I feel to finally be free again, and to have his affection and forgiveness, is almost overwhelming.
“Good girl,” Hunter whispers to me, and I shiver in response.
Those words shouldn’t have such a big impact on me, but they do. I swallow hard, and I hesitate for only a moment before I climb into his lap. I should probably get his permission first, but I kiss his throat frantically in apology. “Please, I need… I need you,” I say, trying to replace the horrible feelings of loneliness with something, anything.
He rubs my back soothingly. “I’ve got you.” He starts to stand, and I whimper at the idea of being separated from him. Thankfully he keeps his hold on me and slowly guides me back to the bedroom. He has me get onto the bed next to him, and I keep my arms around him.
There’s a tray of snacks already on the bedside table, and even though I don’t want to eat, I let Hunter feed me until I’m full, despite the awkward position.
“Please don’t…” I start to say once we’re done eating.
“Please don’t what?” Hunter asks, and his voice is gentle enough that I risk it.
“Please don’t make me sleep away from you.” I can feel my eyes start to tear up again.
He kisses my forehead and nods. “All right. You can sleep in my arms.”
I shiver, feeling weak with relief. He’s not angry with me. He’s not refusing me. He’s letting me have something new, something so personal, and I… “Thank you, Master,” I say fervently, peppering kisses along his cheek and throat. “I won’t disappoint you again. Thank you.”
“You will,” Hunter says, stroking my hair, and I start to tense up because I don’t want him to punish me before I’ve even made another mistake. “But I’ll correct you. I’ll help you be good.”
I nod, closing my eyes, and I let myself relax into his arms as he coaxes me into lying down beside him. “I’ll do my best,” I promise, but I know I have to do better than that. I have to succeed, because otherwise…
I can’t handle another punishment like tonight.