Page 42 of Savage

He ignores me and scoops me up to drop me on the bed. I remember how he’d bound my wrists to my ankles, how exposed I’d felt with my cunt out like that.

“Please,” I beg, trying to crawl away from him. The best I manage is a pathetic wriggle, and it takes him even less effort to cuff my ankles together.

“You wanted to be alone? I can give you alone,” Hunter says. The menacing tone makes my heart pound faster.

“I—” No, this isn’t what I meant. I just wanted to sleep. I just wanted… I didn’t want what he’s going to do to me now. I know that much. But now that my panic has overwhelmed that depressive haze, I’m all too aware that he can do any and everything he wants to me.

I struggle, but there’s nothing I can do to stop him from placing the blindfold around my eyes. Once he’s stolen my vision, he tilts my head and stuffs something into my ear. He’s going to deafen me too.

“No!” I beg. “Please, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it!”

“Yes, you did. And since you’ve been angling for a punishment all evening, I’ll give it to you. I’ll show you just what consequences your actions have.” Hunter tilts my head the other way, and I have no way to evade the second earplug.

Now I’m blind and deaf. The world is nothing but quiet darkness around me.

I flail, for all that it doesn’t do a damn thing.

Something pushes at my lips, and I go still and open up, expecting his cock. Maybe I can please him, and he’ll change his mind.

But it’s a smooth plastic ball, protruding into my mouth just enough to force my jaw wider. He fastens it around my head, and now I can’t even beg.

He’s taken everything away from me.

My freedom, my relief in drugs, my sight, my hearing, my ability to speak, my pride, my—

There’s nothing left, and if I’d thought I was depressed earlier, it’s nothing compared to this utter despondency that races through me.

I let out a muffled cry when I feel him lift me up. His chest is warm in comparison to the coldness of being alone, but I hate not being able to see or even hear where we’re going. He can’t take me far, though, right?

Unless he plans to return me to Ntimacy like this, blind and bound and silent, to tell Giulio that I couldn’t even satisfy someone who likes tears.

For all that I’d wished it earlier, I don’t want it anymore.

I can’t tell where he sets me down, other than it’s on a rug. In the living room, maybe? The dining room? Maybe he took me out of and back into the bedroom. I have no idea.

What I do know is that he lets me go, and steps away, and then I’m truly, completely, utterly alone.

Time passes in a strange blur as I cry, as I feel drool sliding down my chin and onto the carpet beneath me. I must drift to sleep, but I wake up as a foot presses against my side. I jolt awake, opening my eyes, but there’s nothing to see but the cloth of the blindfold.

I lean hopefully into that touch… but it’s gone again just as quickly. I sob and curl into myself as much as I can.

It keeps happening. I feel his hand, his foot, or maybe just a brush of fucking air, and my hopes soar, thinking he’s going to release me… only to plummet back down once the touch withdraws.

It’s torture.

By the seventh or eighth time it happens—I’ve lost track—I realize he’s just doing it to keep me from falling asleep and using that to relieve some of this horrible punishment. I want to ignore it when I feel those footsteps next to me, when that brush of hand or foot wakes me, but I can’t. I whimper and whine around the gag, but it’s all I can do.

I moan at the next touch, a warm hand on my shoulder that forces me onto my back. My arms hurt from the added pressure, but it’s more stimulation than I’ve had in a while.

I barely dare hope… until I feel the fingers against my ear, pulling one of the plugs out.

I shudder as feeling starts to surge back into my limbs.

“Have you learned your lesson?” Hunter asks softly. He doesn’t sound mad anymore… but I fully believe he’ll leave me like this if he doesn’t like my answer.

I nod desperately, trying to say yes around the gag, but it only comes out as a garbled noise.

He rubs my lips briefly before unfastening the gag. I take in a shuddering breath and desperately swallow, trying to get some moisture back in.