She’d never seen a man as muscular as him in any of the yoga classes she’d ever taken. Usually guys with muscles like him and Gonzo thought stretching was a waste of time.
“I can’t imagine Gonzo coming to a yoga class.”
“I tried to get him to come with me, but it’s not his thing.” He sat down on his black yoga mat. “Wasn’t my thing before either. But my range of motion used to suck, so this helps. Having better movement helps my swing so my batting average is better.”
“Really? I’m surprised Gonzo didn’t want to try it then.”
“He doesn’t really need the help with his batting like the rest of us.”
“Yeah, he’s having a pretty great season.”
“What’s the deal with you two?” Brandon asked.
Bailey looked over to find him watching her intently. “We’re friends, have been forever.”
“Just friends?”
“Can you imagine Gonzo dating someone like me?”
He tilted his head to the side thoughtfully. “I don’t know, but then I don’t really know him that well.”
“Well, trust me. I’m not his type.”
A slim man walked into the classroom. “Welcome everyone, please take your mat.”
Bailey stood at the top of her mat as the door to the studio shut. Instantly, it felt like the room warmed several degrees. What had she been thinking? She was going to melt in here.
Ethereal music played through the speakers, while Jeremy led them through some light flows to begin class.
Bailey bit back a groan as she eased into her first down dog of the class. She heard a little snicker from beside her, and she scowled over at Brandon. “Shut it,” she whispered.
His chuckle grew louder. “Didn’t say anything. I’m just not used to hearing f-bombs in here.”
She whipped her head to the side. “Did I swear?”
“Yep.” Brandon’s eyes sparkled with amusement.
“No talking, please,” Jeremy admonished.
Bailey scrunched up her face at Brandon. He flashed her a wink and continued to follow Jeremy’s instructions.
Forty minutes later, Bailey had a paddling pool worth of sweat lingering on her mat. She’d moved past feeling like she wanted to puke from the heat and slid into some kind of weird floating feeling that she never wanted to end. Her body moved and stretched in ways she didn’t know it could.
Jeremy stopped at her mat. “Press your hips out slightly.” He stepped toward her. “Is it okay if I touch you to show you?”
“Of course,” she replied.
He placed his hand on her lower back. “Breathe into your sacrum.”
She took a deep breath and exhaled.
He tapped his hand where he wanted her to breathe. “Bring your breath here.”
How the hell was she supposed to breathe into that area? It was nowhere near her lungs.
“Picture your breath moving through your body and into your sacrum,” Jeremy said.