Whatever, buddy. Bailey took a breath and visualized the breath moving down her body and into the space beneath Jeremy’s hand. Suddenly, the muscles in her lower back released and a wave of emotion swept through her, making her suck in a breath.
“That’s it,” Jeremy said. “And again, deep breath in and send the breath.”
Bailey took another deep breath and felt it move through her body. She exhaled audibly.
“Beautiful.” Jeremy released his hand on her back and continued walking around the room. “Now let’s breathe into the root chakra,” he said.
She flowed through the last several movements of class, listening to the sound of Jeremy’s instructions. As she lay in shavasana for the final pose of class, dripping in more sweat than she’d ever imagined was humanly possible, her body felt better than she could ever remember.
“You can stay here for a couple more minutes or if you’re ready, roll to your side for a moment and come into a seated position.”
Bailey rolled to her side and sat up crossed legged on her mat.
“Hands to prayer. Deep breath in and out. And bow,” Jeremy said. “Namaste.”
“Namaste.” Bailey raised her head and sighed.
“Well?” Brandon said from beside her.
Bailey glanced over at him and smiled. Why was it that men looked so good all sweaty and she was sure she looked like she’d been dragged in from the rain?
When she didn’t speak, Brandon chuckled. “What time’s your appointment with Rayne?”
“10:30.” Her head felt all light and floaty, and yet she was weirdly exhilarated.
Brandon shifted on his mat beside her. “You all good?”
“I think so,” she mumbled. She stood up and instantly the world spun around her.
Brandon’s arm clamped around hers as he held her up from falling.
“Whoa.” She laughed nervously. “Got a little dizzy there.”
“What’d you eat today?” Brandon asked.
“Umm nothing, I don’t like to eat before I workout.”
“Are you kidding me?” He shook his head. “Alright, let’s go,” he ordered.
“What? Where?” Feeling a little more stable on her feet, she blinked up at the giant beside her.
“We’re getting you a smoothie before your appointment with Rayne.”
“I don’t need a smoothie. I just stood up too fast.”
“It wasn’t really up for discussion, Bailey.”
She placed her hands on her hips and glared up at the big man. “You realize I’m a grownup, right?”
He glared back at her. “Then how about you act like it and put some fucking food in your belly before you pass out.”
The lightheadedness continued to make her vision waiver. “Fine. But just for the record, there’s a nice way to look after someone and there’s whatever the hell that was.” Bailey attempted to storm away and stumbled slightly as her legs buckled.
Brandon’s arm clamped around her elbow. “Duly noted.” He held her steady while she got her feet back under her.
Jeremy came jogging over. “Oh my gosh, are you okay?”
“Fine. Just stood up too fast,” she mumbled.