The young man swallows again before mustering up the courage to spit it out. "The OPS, sir."
I'm on my feet in a flash and snarling in the beta's face. Surprisingly, my actions don't deter the guy. It makes his words tumble out faster.
"They're outside the gates! The south and east side cameras went down about seven minutes ago. We've been working to get them back up before any other staff members wake!"
My hand latches around his throat just as a gunshot rings through the buildings. "WHY WASN'T I NOTIFIED SOONER?!" I roar, fury pumping through my veins, making me and the beta shake.
At the next echoing gunshot and following shouts, I slam my useless enforcer against the wall until he crumples to the ground.
How is this fucking happening?! This can't be happening. Fuck, Ken is going to murder me. Hell, what the OPS has planned for me might be worse though, especially if they are searching the surrounding woods too.
I'm fucked. Everything is fucked.
Do I just end it now?
Next thing I know, my gun is in one hand and the other is gripping the doorframe of my office.
The voice is just down the hall, and the nearing stomping boots match the pounding of my heart.
Gunfire echoes around the building, my enforcers are trained to neutralize any threat. The OPS, they are the biggest one, and unfortunately there's no hiding shit now that they've breached campus.
We may threaten the lives of our employees to keep them silent, but their loyalty lies with themselves. That's what happens when an empire is built off of people with strong beliefs and blackened souls.
I've had many lessons in the dealings of changing the world and creating a society we are biologically meant to have.
The main thing I've learned is information is the most common form of betrayal in our line of work, so Ken will understand. Even if he doesn't and wants me dead, the OPS will get to him before he gets to me.
The scientist will be my ticket to continuing our important work. Equality is a means to an end, just like Doctor Ken.
The fate of the world rests in what I say next.
Gun clattering to the floor, a young, buff, dark-haired agent patting me down while an older version of him aims a weapon at my face, I concede so I can continue our evolutionary practices someday.
"I'll take you to them."
Chapter Thirty-Four
"What do you wanna do?"
The bumps on the wall aggravate my scalp as I tilt my head to look at Kate. "Well, I was napping," I sass.
She huffs. "Come on, I'm bored."
"I'm not doing rock-paper-scissors again, Kate. I refuse," I warn her. There's only so much we can do to entertain ourselves down here, and rock-paper-scissors has been the easiest choice.
I think about it for a moment while I tuck my dirty feet beneath my thighs. "I don't think that will work. We could make the board in the dirt, but we won't both be able to reach it."
Kate curses. "You're right. How will I know if you cheat or not?"
Narrowing my gaze at the brunette omega, I snarl playfully. "How 'bout twenty questions?"