"Ooo yes, much better than never-have-I-ever!"
Smiling, we both shuffle so we're as close as we can get with the space between us. Once we're mirroring each other, sitting crisscross and twirling rocks between our fingers, we start our game.
Kate begins with a seemingly innocent question, but one that still makes my omega heart ache. "If you were given the chance, what would be the primary color in your nest?"
"Light purple," I respond, imagining the soft lilac curtains I would love to have someday. "Have you ever had a nest?"
Her head bobs rapidly. "Yes! Right before I presented, I started nesting in my closet. It obviously wasn't the greatest thing since we didn't have any money, but it was so comfortable."
There's more to Kate's story, but she hides it behind the sparkle of a fond memory. She deserves, more than anyone, to have good memories, so I don't taint the moment with more questions about what happened once she presented.
The guards and scientists love to taunt us with how little we are wanted. Omegas in this place, at the academy, we're nothing. Invisible to the world because we have been sold under the guise of an elite opportunity with no family or friends to worry about our whereabouts once we hit graduation.
Money is a big influence in today’s world, and unfortunately, selling people to make a cushy life is always an option if you know the right people.
And the big kicker? Omegas might graduate the academy, but they aren't released back into society.
Kate and I have heard murmurings of other facilities continuing the omega training. The end result though, that's a topic of debate between me and my friend.
What do they do with us omegas, the ones society will never notice are missing, once they deem us trained and tamed?
We're here for a reason. Every omega sent to this school has a story with the same outcome. We were sold to become nothing but puppets, while our guardians, or parents, or whatever those people should be called, receive the cash to change their lives, or in my case, money and bragging rights.
Their adopted omega going to the most elite academy in the United States? It's the perfect thing to help my aunt and uncle continue to rise in their social classes. Plus, they just love money.
I ignore the burn of tears behind my eyes at the reminder that I've never had a nest. My aunt had our house staff keep an eye out for anything out of place. One hint of an omega instinct and it was shut down immediately.
My obedience training started young, as if this was always my aunt's plan.
I still had all the fancy clothes and the big bedroom that comes with a mansion; I just wasn't allowed anything that was truly mine.
Between my upbringing and being sold to the academy, I have no idea what my style is, if I would like to sleep in on the weekends and stay up late at night. I don't know what food I would choose to eat if given the opportunity, which makes Kate's next question much more difficult.
"What's your favorite food?"
I run through the pristine dishes served at my aunt’s house full of meat, fish, and watery soup. I hated it, all the meat I was forced to eat. Would I be a vegetarian if allowed to be?
Boots clamber around outside the locked door of the basement, drawing my attention for a moment, and murmuring rumbles through the metal. Kate and I both stiffen, wondering if it's time for another round of testing.
Loud shouting ensues just as the familiar sounds of the locks clanking rattle my nerves.
I answer Kate's question, not for her benefit, but for my own. I know my favorite food because of the emotion attached to it even though it brought me lots of trouble. I whisper my response, gratitude for my mates filling me just before the door is thrown wide.
"Granola bars."
Chapter Thirty-Five
"What's your middle name?" Lucas asks Casey.
I groan knowing where this is headed, but I have to hand it to my little brother; he's really making the most out of being locked up with us. From exercising his bonds, to getting to know our pack mates, he's doing the most he can with the situation presented.
Now is one of the times Elliott isn't participating in the getting to know each other stuff, so we leave him be. I hope he truly is sleeping, but I worry he's just brooding while lying on the ground.
I'm sure Lucas knows what's going on with our packmate better than I do. I'm flooded with the need to fix all the problems yanking on me so that I can't concentrate enough to truly get a grasp on what's up with Elliott right now.
"Flynn," Casey answers. "Casey Flynn Gray. How 'bout you?"