"The Earl is a cheating bastard." Luke stated as they stood together, staring at the elevator. "He's going to try something."

“We eliminated most of his plans.” Riall reminded. “He will be expecting help that will never come.”

"Men like him are used to their plans falling apart, and they are used to betrayal. It's how they live, so they expect it from others as well. He will have backup, so we need to watch him closely." Luke patted Riall on the shoulder. "Let's get ready. Our mate is going to need us close."

Liam entered the large room and saw the chamber situated in the middle of the room. The floor was concrete, and the bars were steel two would enter but only one would emerge. He closed his eyes and calibrated his heart and mind to the moment and the situation at hand. Francis had never been particularly skilled with a sword but he might have improved over the past centuries.

He was ready to put this business behind him and return to his beloveds. They did not deserve to be put in the middle of something so distasteful. He was so sorry that he upset them and put their bond in jeopardy.

"They understand, Liam." The Master had taken to calling him by his first name, and he found it oddly comforting. "Your beloveds are not children. They know the way of the world, and they know life."

“They are wonderful men, and they could have done so much better than this.” Liam gestured to the cage and the room and to himself. “Fate was not kind to them.”

"You will show them who you are, Liam. You will show the Earl who you are. This is the day you put your past behind you and start to live openly and earnestly. This is exactly what you and your beloveds deserve." The Master spoke words that sharpened his strength and focus. He could feel the blood of his beloveds coursing through his veins, and he could feel the power that followed.

He turned and looked at the Master, holding his gaze. "Thank you."

“It is time to prepare.” The Master pulled a sword from his jacket and handed it to Liam. “This is one of mine and I want you to use it. I carried it in many battles and it has served me well.” Liam took the sword and went through several moves feeling the balance and the perfection of the piece.

“Thank you.” He was touched by the Master’s generosity and impressed with the quality of the weapon. It would move with him and work with him in ways his sword could not. He took his piece and set it aside. He’d always used a long sword when in battle, but such a weapon was not ideal for cage fighting. The Master’s sword was pure battle perfection.

He noticed Ismael walked in and come over to them. The Master excused himself after delivering a few more words of support. It was time to change, to meditate and get ready to meet Francis Doncaster Montagu- Scott the third Earl of Doncaster.

The room began to fill with everyone who loved Chef Reid filing in to provide support. There was still a pervasive thought that filled the air that this was unthinkable and that Chef Reid should not be in this position. Even today soldiers, guards and field operatives contacted Louis begging to be allowed to stand in for the beloved Chef.

Love for the man who provided not just to the physical needs of the men but also was always there with a kind word and pleasant smile no matter the issues at hand filled the room. Silas and Ira, who themselves had firsthand experience with the Bellam Chamber came up to stand beside the Master.

“What is the situation with the Earl?” He asked.

"The mercenaries have been dealt with. The Earl's hired army is no more. All that remains are his second and three staff members." Silas informed with a slight smirk.

“Is this your doing?” Louis asked, obviously pleased by the news.

“No, the ravens took them out one at a time and disposed of the evidence. We watched them and marveled at their skill and their methods it was quick, quiet and fatal.” Silas glanced over at Ira who added his thoughts on the subject.

“They did what we couldn’t and did it in a most efficient manner.”

"They were planning something, but whatever it was, the Earl is going to be very much disappointed." Silas finished.

“He’s a dishonorable miscreant so we need to watch the fight very closely and he needs to be searched thoroughly before being sealed in the chamber.” Silas nodded that the challenge would be observed very closely.


Luke and Riall entered the room, and all eyes were on them. The prevailing question of whether they would react and whether it would be spectacular was circling the room. He and Riall had already reacted and leveled the playing field for their mate. The Earl had planned to interfere with them, he was aware that Liam had found his beloveds and thought to pit his mercenaries against them. Unfortunately for the Earl his men are gone and the staff he brought with him hold no loyalty toward him.

Riall gave them the opportunity to flee or die, and they decided to leave. All he had remaining was his second, and it was doubtful the man would be willing to die for the Earl. Francis Doncaster Montagu-Scott was on his own.

Luke and Riall walked up close as they could which was a few feet back from where Ismael stood. They watched closely as their mate walked up to the cage dressed in tight leather breaches and nothing else he looked drop dead gorgeous. Ismael led him into the case and handed him his sword. It was a fine weapon and worthy of their mate.

He tested it a few times and they admitted his style was spot on. This was not the first time Liam had wielded a sword. His handsome face was rock hard focused and ready. His beautiful black air was swept back from his face and his body was finely chiseled. Ismael waited with him as the Earl and his second entered the cage.

He too was dressed in the breaches, but they did him no justice. His body was compact and a bit muscle bound making him quite unattractive which was unusual for a vampire. They were usually handsome it was rare to find an average or unattractive vampire.

Maybe it was their attitude toward the man that colored their opinion. Words were spoken, and Liam and the Earl took their places at either end of the Bellam Chamber. The seconds left the cage and sealed the door before taking their places outside the chamber.

“He looks good, I think he’s got this.” Riall spoke softly. They were joined by the Master, Silas and Ira who came to stand with them in observance of the fight.

“Are you here to prevent us from interfering?” Luke asked.