"I think we're a little late for that," Silas commented dryly.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Luke returned with a similar calm.

“Of course you don’t.” Silas quipped.

"You were completely within your rights." The Master added to the conversation, and his words so casually surprised them.

"His mercenaries are dead, his staff left, and all he has is his second, but I still don't trust him," Riall spoke his mind while keeping his attention riveted on Liam and the Earl.

The rules were spoken, and the battle began. He knew his beloveds were there they stood behind him in order not to divert his attention, but he could feel their presence and their support.

“You’re going to die today, Percy." Francis hissed and cut through the air with his sword. Liam did not respond. This was not the time for discussion. This was the time to finish the business of the past. "You're going to pay for murdering my father, you traitorous bastard."

Liam tested his sword once again, and it moved with him smoothly and easily like the wind. Francis was feigning right and then left moving his sword in with sharp and abrupt motions. Then he was on him charging and thrusting awkward and strange. Francis was a swordsman, or at least he used to be these moves appeared to be uncoordinated, but Liam knew better.

Francis was playing a part hoping to be underestimated. Liam knocked his sword away and went for his mid-section, but Francis managed to dance away showing he was not as inept as he tried to appear. Liam played along with this theater for a while looking for his own opening.

He had laid down the sword that day after killing Francis’ father but picked it up again a few decades ago. It was when the world began to grow darker and there came a necessity for all the able bodied to prepare and be ready. He has sharpened his skills for many years now and was not the hapless cook that Francis was expecting. His moves began to stun, and Francis rethought his approach picking up his pace and sharpening his moves.

“I thought you laid down your weapon after murdering my father?” Francis spat and circled to the left.

"Sorry to disappoint you," Liam responded curtly. "You're going to have to work for this."

“I’m better than you. I'm twice the man you are." Francis seemed to be trying to convince himself as each of his moves fell flat, and he took several hits, arms and upper chest. He didn't move like he used to. He was good, but his style was slower.

He charged again and managed to slice Liam along his left side. Francis began to laugh. "You're finished, old man. I'm going to cut out your heart and take off your head and hold it up for your lovers to witness." He danced backward and was obviously catching his breath. "With you gone, my men and I will go after your beloveds. It shouldn’t be too hard to murder two fucking crows.” He laughed again and began a flurry of strikes, none of which connected.

With the blatant threat to his beloveds, Liam felt the overwhelming desire to end this and to end Francis. He'd taken it slow as his need to kill this man was not certain. He felt an odd compassion for his loss and the years he spent without his father. But having to listen to his boasts and threats, it became clear that Francis was still the man he'd always been, cruel, self-aggrandizing, and touched by evil. It was there in his word and there in his eyes and actions.

Liam swung his sword back and forth and back and forth, advancing upon his enemy in great strides, forcing him back and forcing him to react. Francis began thrusting his sword frantically and then reached down and pulled a dagger from his pant leg.

Liam heard the gasp from the audience and heard Ismael shouting for Francis to drop the weapon, but Francis wasn’t listening to anyone. He wanted Liam’s blood, and he didn’t care what happened to him after. Francis leapt at Liam, catching him with his dagger on his upper arm as Liam blocked the thrust of his sword.

The move worked in Liam's favor, and before Francis could regain his balance, he swung back and sliced Francis across the abdomen. He bent forward but came up suddenly and attempted to plant the dagger in Liam's chest. Liam shifted right and grabbed the knife, twisting it and pushing Francis backward until he fell. He wildly tried to hurt Liam with his sword, but he was too close, and his long sword was useless.

Liam continued to twist the dagger until it was between them, and with a forceful shove, he plunged the blade into Francis' heart, going deep until the blade hit the concrete on the other side. He then took his sword and slit his throat. Liam held him and watched as life left his eyes and the fight left his limbs. Oddly enough, Francis had nothing more to say in those last seconds.

The room was silent until Liam pushed up and off the Earl and stood looking down at him. The relief he felt was thorough, and the peace he felt was immediate. He turned and looked for his beloveds and they were there just outside the cage looking anxious and agitated. They smiled when their eyes met, and Liam felt his heart expand with the love he felt for these men. They ran up to the door and waited as Ismael unlocked it and threw it open.

They ran inside not waiting for Liam to emerge and wrapped their arms around him. “Don’t ever do this again.” Riall stated with an edge that made it clear he would be dealt with harshly.

“I promise I will never do this again.”

"Damn, I was so fucking worried." Luke held him and pressed his face against Liam's throat. It felt so good to be holding them. "It's over, it's finally over. I've never felt so fucking helpless in my life, and this better never happen again."

"It will never happen again." Liam kept placating them, so pleased to have them and so pleased to be alive.

They walked out of the case together, Liam in the middle and a beloved on each side. The Raven brothers were never going to let him out of their sight again.

"You're one hell of a warrior, Liam." Master DuCane told him and shook his hand. Liam tried to give him the sword back, but he told him to keep it.

“It’s yours now your mastery of the sword is impressive. If I’d known you were so skilled I wouldn’t have worried so much.” Ezra stepped up and with a quick glance at the ravens took Liam in a full body hug.

“I am so glad you’re okay, chef.”

"We're all glad you're okay," Easton added, as did the others. "We can't lose you, Liam." The Master then picked up on this line of thought.

“What are your plans? I know Luke and Riall have a personal bond with Lord Fenrah, and they have served him their entire lives." Both Luke and Riall nodded to this. "But with that said, we cannot fathom losing our friend. Might I suggest, as with the hellhounds, that we offer a dual relationship?"