"Ugh, that's great."

"Don't worry, he's a good kid. A total gentleman."

"I'm sure he is, but isn't he a bit older than me?"

"Well, that depends on what you consider older. He's twenty-eight and thinks you're mature for your age."

"We only spoke for five minutes," I say, "How would he know? Besides, mature, I'm not. It's all just an act. When my dad passed away, my mother checked out of my life, and I had to figure a lot of things out on my own. Inside, I have all the insecurities and angst of a normal teenager."

"What happened to your daddy, Honey?"

"I had just gotten my driver's license and didn't feel comfortable driving by myself. After youth group one night, Dad picked me up from church, and I told him I could drive us home. I don't remember any of it."

"How could an accident cause so much divide between a mother and daughter?"

"I wish I knew. It was the straw that broke the camel's back. Mom and I have never had a good relationship, but Dad was the glue that kept us connected. With him gone, there was nothing left."

"I shouldn't have asked," she says. "Now I've made you sad."

"I'm okay," I say, "Anyway, about Patrick. I'm not interested in dating anyone."

"You will be when you find the right one."

"The right one died. He had my heart, and I don't think I'll ever be able to give it to someone else."

"Tell me about Jimmy," she says, and this time I refuse to get sad.

"Oh, Miss Loren, he was wonderful. He was my best friend, my everything."

"Did you know his family?"

"Yes, and they welcomed me into their family the minute I met them. Jimmy was the oldest of two boys. His little brother is eight. They were close despite the age difference. His parents own a roofing company. He was six feet tall and thin. He worked hard to put on weight and muscle during his junior and senior years in high school, preparing for boot camp. He was handsome. His blue eyes were his father's, but the rest of his good looks came from his mom. He had dark curly hair and perfect olive skin. I was always jealous of how easily he tanned while I'd burn spending just five minutes in the sun. He gave the best hugs, and he made me feel safe. He was smart and funny. He could run a mile in six minutes and never apologized for leaving me in the dust."

"He sounds wonderful."

"He was, Miss Loren. He was wonderful and perfect. Now, can you understand why I can never love again? Not like that. He was the one. How many times does one find the one? I would only be setting myself up for disappointment."

"Never close your heart to love," she says.

"I lost the love of my life."

"If you found love once, you can find it again."

When I shoot her a skeptical glance, she reaches for my hand and gently squeezes it.

"Hello!" Jon's deep voice coming from the back door is so familiar now that I can't help but smile.

Chapter 8


"Come in," Loren says. "You made it just in time to have some lemonade with us."

I made it just in time to hear Sharon say, "I'm not interested in dating anyone."

I should've walked away, but I was frozen in place and heard every word.

"Sorry to interrupt," I say, stepping into the kitchen.