"It's fine," says Loren. "We were just having a chat. Sit down."
"I came by to invite you over for dinner."
"That sounds lovely," she says. "What time?"
"Six o'clock. Dad is grilling steaks, and Mom is making a salad and baked potatoes."
"I should go help her," Sharon says, standing to her feet.
"Mom said to take your time," I say, motioning for her to sit down. "Noah is taking a nap."
"Did you finish the swing set?" Sharon asks.
"We're about three-quarters of the way there. We'll finish it tomorrow."
I pull out a chair and sit next to Sharon. The subtle scent of her perfume would put all the roses in our garden to shame.
"You missed a good service," I say, glancing at her.
"I don't go to church," she replies matter-of-factly.
"Patrick was there," I say. "He asked about you."
"You're kidding," she says.
"No. He said he hoped to see you there next Sunday."
"What did you tell him?"
"I told him I was sorry to disappoint him but that you'd be in New York with me next Sunday."
"Jon," Sharon says, "Your entire family will be there too, including your parents, remember?"
"He doesn't have to know that," I say, looking into her amused green gaze.
"See?" Loren chimes in. "I was just telling Sharon that Patrick likes her."
"Miss Loren," Sharon says in a pleading tone.
"What?" Loren asks, smiling and shooting us a not-so-convincing expression of utter innocence.
When I glance at Sharon again, she avoids my gaze, and her cheeks are turning pink.
"I'm not surprised," I say. "Sharon is easy to like."
"Thank you," Sharon says shyly.
"If you don't ask her out first," Loren says, "Patrick is going to beat you to it."
"Miss Loren!" Sharon's high-pitched admonition makes Loren pause and give us a sheepish smile.
"I'm not trying to meddle," she says. "I'm just trying to—."
"I think what you're doing, by definition, is meddling," I say, laughing. My tone is playful and teasing, hoping Sharon doesn't read too much into Loren's words.
"I already told Miss Loren I'm not interested in dating."
Yeah, I heard, but of course, I don't say that.